Chapter 11

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Sasuke was practically floating on cloud nine for the past couple of weeks. Ever since Naruto told him they were going to be, parents.

He had to admit he was still wary about the idea, even when Naruto was taking the fertility treatments. Though he will never complain, of course.

But when they went to the first ultrasound appointment to find out the due date, and once their future child was pointed out by the doctor in all the confusion on the screen, reality set in for him. Naruto and himself were going to be parents.

He sighed in happiness as he gazed at the road ahead of him. He turned to look at Naruto who was happily humming along to the song that was playing in the car. He was swaying back and forth and looking out at the scenery in the passenger window. He felt his smile grow bigger. His life was practically perfect.

Except for the fact that he was driving to the hospital to currently have himself checked up by the one thing causing him pain.

He's been starting to feel tired more often. Just this week, he had to skip the one day he was allowed to work due to the fact that he felt like he hasn't slept in three whole days.

And Naruto has been going through the same thing. He gave a sympathetic look towards the blonde. The last couple of weeks the morning sickness, well more like night sickness, has affected the blonde to the point sleeping through the night was nearly impossible. And yet he still put a smile on his face and went to work five days a week. He shook his head. Naruto was the best thing to ever happen to him.

"I'm so excited!" Naruto suddenly turned to Sasuke, a bright smile on his face. "We get to have our first real ultrasound appointment today!"

How could Sasuke even forget? He was grateful that Naruto decided to make an appointment at the same time he had his weekly appointment with Tsunade. "So we can end our hospital visit on a happier note." Naruto explained as he kissed Sasuke's temple lovingly. He brushed the raven's bang out of his face and carefully stared into onyx eyes. He closed his eyes in a gentle smile. "I love you." "I know, I can't wait." He reached out his hand and placed it on Naruto's thigh.

Naruto giggled and grabbed Sasuke's hand, running his thumb across the pale knuckles, his other hand resting on the bulge of his stomach.

They soon reached the hospital and Sasuke parked in a spot relatively close to the entrance. The couple walked hand in hand up to the correct wing of the hospital. They checked in and patiently waited in the lobby.

It didn't take long for Tsunade to appear from down the corridor, nodding at them to follow after her. They quickly stood up and followed her into an examining room.

After getting his vitals, Tsunade started getting out the things she needed for a blood test. "How's your pain been this last week?"

Sasuke glanced at Naruto before looking back at Tsunade. "Not too bad. It's the tiredness that's more of a problem. I couldn't even go to work this week."

Tsunade looked up from the tray she placed next to the examining chair and gave him a concerned look. She let out a sigh as she brought the small stool in front of him and sat down. "That's also what I was going to talk to you about." She prepped a spot on his arm and took the needle out of its package. "Looking over the results of last week's blood test, I did notice a sharper decrease of red blood cells." She quickly and swiftly pierced his skin.

Sasuke hissed at the expected pain. No matter how many times he did this, he couldn't get use to it. Maybe he had a fear of needles. He felt Naruto gently rub his back and he began to relax. He coughed to clear his throat. "So what exactly does that mean?"

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