Chapter 1

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Author's Note: So this plot idea was requested by anangelslove. For the first few chapters, the story is in the past, documenting important parts in their lives. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the story!

It was a bright sunny day in the city of Konoha. It was also the first day of school for most students and that included Naruto Uzumaki. The almost five-year old blonde was currently asleep, wrapped in his large black comforter that had orange foxes running throughout the blanket.

“Naruto,” one of his father’s, Iruka, poked his head in from the doorway. “Naruto, it’s time to get up.”

Naruto slowly opened one eye, staring at him before closing it. “Don’t wanna.” He whined.

Iruka stepped into his bedroom, his arms crossed across his chest. “Naruto. Get up. It’s time for your first day of school.” His voice was stern and held no hints of patience.

Naruto groaned once before throwing his blankets off himself. “But I don’t wanna go! Why can’t granda ‘Riya play with me here?!”

Iruka walked closer to the little blonde and squatted on his knees. He looked him in the eye and gave him a sad smile and held onto his arms. “We talked about this, all big boys and girls have to go to school when they turn five. And school starts before your birthday, so you have to go now.”

Naruto sat up slowly, trying to rub the sleep from his eyes. “That's not fair! I'm not even five and I hafta go!” He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at the end of his bed.

Iruka laughed before standing up. “I know it's not fair, Naruto. But don't worry, you'll make a lot of friends and your cousin, Sakura, will be in your class too.”

Naruto perked up at name of his cousin. “Sakura? Really?! I can play with her there?” He jumped off his bed and followed his dad to the closet where Iruka pulled out his favorite orange T-shirt, and black shorts.

Iruka began to dress the little blonde. “Well, kind of. School isn't about playing, it's about learning.”

Naruto tilted his head in confusion. “Learning what?”

“Well, you learn to read, you learn Math, which is numbers, you learn a little science, you learn a lot of things!” Iruka stood up and smiled down at the blonde who was now fully dressed and pouting again.

“Learning sounds like a lot of work, Papa. I don't want to go to school! Even if Sakura is there!” He stomped his foot in anger.

“Naruto, it's not all at once. You have lots of breaks in the day where you can play. And everyday you learn a little bit more than the day before until you're as smart as me and Daddy.” Iruka smiled down at him.

Naruto's eyes widened in amazement. “Can I be smarter than you and Daddy?”

Iruka laughed heartily. “If you work hard enough you can!”

“Yeah! I'm gonna be the smartest person in the world!” Naruto exclaimed. He laughed and ran out of the room.

Iruka shook his head before following the laughing blonde down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Naruto laughed the whole way, only stopping once he was seated at the kitchen table.

Kakashi was cooking breakfast on the stove, eggs and bacon with a side of toast, when Iruka walked in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Kakashi smiled at him. “Morning, babe.”

“Good morning.” Iruka placed plates on the table for the three of them, along with silverware and glasses before sitting down next to Naruto.

“Daddy, guess what!” Naruto shouted.

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