Chapter 5

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Naruto nervously stared at himself in the full-length mirror. He turned to the side, pulling at the hem of his tuxedo jacket. He faced the front again, ran a hand through his hair and let out a long sigh.

It was the day of his wedding and he was currently having a mental breakdown in his dressing room. He was supposed to be ready to walk down the aisle about ten minutes ago but nerves have kept him locked in the room.

"Fuck. I can't do this." He looked himself over before shaking his head and walking away from his reflection. "I just fucking can't."

"Naruto!" Sakura flung the door open, scaring the blonde. She stood in the doorway, hands on her hips as she glared angrily at him. "Everyone's waiting on you, what's taking so long?"

Naruto sat on the bench that was in the middle of the room and grabbed at his hair. "I can't do this, Sakura!"

"What are you talking about?" She looked at him, looking confused.

"Marrying him. I can't."

Her eyes widened and she closed the door behind her as she quickly hurried to his side. "What? Why not? What's going on?"

Naruto began to shake his head. "He's making a mistake."

Sakura scrunched up her nose in confusion. "A mistake? Naruto, you're not making any sense at all. What are you trying to say?"

Tears were falling from his eyes at this point and he looked up at Sakura. "He can do so much better than me, Sakura. He just inherited half of his family's company, he's beautiful and smart and talented. Then there's me. A loser goofball, who barely made it through school. What do I have to offer him except a lifetime of annoyance. He doesn't deserve this. I should just save him the trouble and just call the whole thing off."

Sakura rubbed his back in comfort and gave him a sympathetic look. "This isn't like you at all, Naruto. These nerves must really be getting to you, huh?" She watched him nod before continuing. "Now listen to me, and listen to me good. Sasuke loves you very much, ever since you talked to him during recess. He had many opportunities to find someone else to love but he never took them.

"You may think you don't deserve Sasuke, but you do. You're very optimistic and you may not be school smart but you're definitely street smart. And besides, you're a nurse and a good one too! Remember, Tsunade compliments you all the time about your hard work. You love to put a smile on people's faces and you've managed to do the impossible and put a smile on Sasuke's face."

Naruto laughed loudly. "I did manage to do that, huh? No one else has."

Sakura giggled. "No, they really haven't. You deserve every right to be happy and we both know that means being by Sasuke's side."

Naruto was silent as he took in Sakura's words. After some time he smiled back up at her. "You're right. Thank you, Sakura."

"No problem." She stood up and gently tapped his chin. "Now, wipe your face and get ready. I'll let them know that you'll be down soon."

Sasuke stood by the alter, staring at the double doors of where Naruto was supposed to walk through ten minutes ago. On the outside, he kept his cool demeanor, but internally, he was freaking out. He glanced over to the Uchiha side of the pews. He could see his father's disappointment and his mother's concern. His brother gave him a look and he nodded back in response.

"Sasuke," he turned his head to see Neji, his best man leaning to him. "You good?"

Sasuke shook his head and turned around so his back was to the crowd. "I'm freaking out Neji. What if he doesn't want to marry me? He could do so much better and what if he's realizing that right now?"

"Calm down, Sasuke." Neji was surprised at his best friend's panic behavior. "That's not what's happening. You know Naruto, he's probably just running late with some last minute detail. Or maybe he's thinking of some prank to pull after the kiss."

Sasuke ran a hand through his hair. "I hope so. It's not like Naruto to miss something important though." His eyes widened and he felt himself begin to panic again. "Unless he doesn't think this is important! What if this is all some joke to him and at the end of our vows, he just laughs and says he's been in love with Ino the whole time and they run away together?!"

Neji gave Sasuke a bewildered look. "What the fuck, Sasuke? What has gotten into you? You know damn well Naruto is not in love with Ino. And he's too kind of a person to turn this into a joke. You're just nervous Sasuke, it's all going to be great."

And just as Neji finished his sentence, Sakura walked in and gave a thumbs up, smiling at him before walking back to her place among the other maids.

"See? Now go stand in your place and look, normal." Neji gave him a nudge.

Sasuke turned around, putting on his cool demeanor again.

Soon, the pianist began to play and Sasuke felt his heart beat faster.

The doors opened once again to Naruto and Kakashi standing arm, in arm. Naruto's blue eyes locked with Sasuke's obsidian and both of them felt any doubt they previously carried vanish.

Naruto practically dragged Kakashi down the aisle with him as he hurried to get to Sasuke, only wanting to be close to him.

"Dobe." Sasuke smiled at him as Naruto stood in front of him. "Thought you weren't gonna show."

Naruto gave him a toothy grin. "You wish, teme."

"I would never wish for something as terrible as a life without you."

Naruto felt tears spring to his eyes. He gently wiped at them before they got out of control. "You have no idea how badly I needed to hear that. I honestly thought you deserve so much better than me."

Sasuke's eyes widened. "I was thinking the same thing, I-" He was cut off as the priest began to talk.

The ceremony went smoothly and the two exchanged vows and rings and kissed each other as husbands. The room erupted into applause and the newlyweds walked down the aisle and out the chapel doors, hand in hand.

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