Chapter 3

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Warning: Just a warning that their is a sex scene in this chapter, so just be aware. Thank you and enjoy!

Sasuke looked down at the paper in his hand, a bored look on his face. “Senior Project,huh?” He brought the paper down from his face to look at Naruto who was leaning back in his chair, balancing a pencil on the bridge of his nose. “Got any ideas?”

“Hm?” Naruto replied, not listening.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. “Senior Project. What do you want to do?”

“I was thinking about asking Ino to prom.” Naruto said, still not listening. He took the pencil off his nose and looked at Sasuke.

Sasuke felt a pang in his chest and he gently rubbed at the spot. He raised an eyebrow at the blonde. “Oh yeah?” A wave of anger and hurt washed over him.

“Yeah.” Naruto leaned forward and studied him carefully. “You should ask out Sakura!” He smiled brightly at his raven haired friend.

Sasuke sighed before giving the blonde a small, sad smile. “I should, shouldn't I?”

Naruto snorted. “Don't look so sad about it.”

“Whatever dobe. Let's get back to this project.”

Naruto waved him off. “We still have a month and a half before that's due. Prom is in like two weeks. It's obviously more important. We need to think of a good promposal.”

Sasuke rolled his eyes. “A promposal? Sakura and Ino would be just fine if we asked them.”

“Where's the romance in that?”

“Hn.” Sasuke threw the paper onto Naruto's bed in defeat. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Naruto.

“How bout a song? Oh, and a dance!”

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. “Says the person who can't sing to the person who has two left feet.”

“It's the thought that counts, teme.” Naruto turned to his desk, moving some things around before he pulled out a notebook and ran to the bed. “Let's get to work.”

The rest of the night, the two worked on their promposal for the girls until Naruto deemed their rehersal good enough.

The next afternoon, on their way to lunch, Naruto walked through the halls towards the cafeteria confidently. Sasuke following next to him. He threw his head back and groaned. “I can’t believe I’ve been talked in to this.”

The two stopped in front of Naruto’s locker. Naruto unlocked it and took out a portable speaker. He gave Sasuke a large grin. “They’re gonna love it. Here.”

Sasuke quickly caught the object that the blonde threw at him. He groaned again when he realized what it was.

“Get over it, Uchiha. I’m doing all the hard work over here. I’m actually dancing. All you’ll be doing is singing and looking pretty.”

The two walked into the cafeteria and spotted the two girls sitting at the usual table. Before moving closer, Naruto got out his phone and connected it to the speaker. He turned to Sasuke and smiled. “You ready?”

Sasuke let out a sigh and gave him a nervous smile. “As ready as I'll ever be.”

Naruto nodded before playing ‘I’m A Believer.’ The beat began to play and Naruto ran to the girls while Sasuke slowly followed after.

Sasuke began to sing the words, Naruto lip syncing and dancing. Sakura and Ino watched the blonde, amused smiles on their face. The rest of the people in the cafeteria also turned to look, it's not everyday you get lunch and a show.

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