Chapter 14

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"Naruto." Sai frowned as he looked down at the chart in front of him. He looked upon the blonde with concern.

Naruto was currently sitting on top of the examining table, his legs slowly dangling as he was leaning back on one arm, the other slowly rubbing his large stomach.

Another week passed, and Naruto was beginning to feel his newfound energy decreasing steadily. The babies seemed to be lynching all his energy, barely able to make it through a day's shift this past week. And being there for Sasuke, was a lot harder than usual, though most of the time, Sasuke was sleeping off the pain anyways.

"Yeah?" The tone of Sai's voice also had Naruto concerned.

"Your blood pressure is too high." He looked up from the clipboard before grabbing the rolling stool and placing it in front of the blonde. "You need to relax."

Naruto gave him a nervous chuckle. "It's kind of hard to do at the moment, you with Sasuke and everything."

Sai shook his head. "No excuses, Naruto. This is a high-risk pregnancy with just the quadruplets alone. You have to take care of yourself or you'll be put on bedrest."

Naruto's eyes widened. "I can't be put on bedrest! Sasuke needs me, and my job needs me!"

Sai leaned forward, putting his hand on Naruto's knee. "You can't keep going like this, Naruto. I understand you want to be there for your job, but remember, your babies lives are at stake and yours. Take some time for yourself and relax."

Naruto nodded, not saying anything.

"You know the signs for high blood pressure, right?" Sai questioned.

"Yes, I do." The blonde confirmed.

"Any sign at all, I want you to come back right away. Since you're not in your first trimester, I'm reluctant to give you medication unless it's serious." He stood up from his seat and smiled down at him. "So I can count on you to come in if it gets worse, okay?"

Naruto gave him his own small smile. "Yes, of course. Thank you for your time, Sai. I'll see you at our next appointment."

Sai walked him out of the room and Naruto made his way to the front desk where he checked out and made a future appointment.

He finally climbed into his car and let out a sigh, leaning his head on the steering wheel of his car. "Shit."

Sasuke woke up abruptly to the sound of the front door closing. He looked at the TV to see whatever he was watching earlier was paused now. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, not realizing he fell asleep on the couch. He lightly groaned as he began to sit up.

Naruto peeked his head through the archway, a slight frown on his face. "I didn't realize you were sleeping down here, I'm sorry."

"No you're fine, I didn't realize I even fell asleep." Once he was fully sitting up, he patted the empty spot next to him. "Come and sit, tell me about the doctor's appointment."

He heard the blonde sigh as he went back into the hallway. "Hold on, these shoes are killing my feet."

Sasuke sat patiently and soon the blonde was waddling into the room. The raven smirked as he watched his husband slowly make his way towards him. "I just love seeing you pregnant like this." He commented once Naruto sat down. He wrapped his arm around the blonde's shoulders and pulled him to his side, placing his other hand on Naruto's belly.

"Yeah, yeah." Naruto cuddled further into Sasuke's side and placed both hands on top of Sasuke's "Just try being pregnant."

Sasuke chuckled before placing a kiss on top of Naruto's head. "So, how'd it go today?"

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