Chapter 20

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AN: Hey everyone! Before I just post the story, this is just a heads up that this chapter is technically the last chapter. But, I will be writing an Epilogue and will hopefully have it up the latest Tuesday. Thank you so much everyone for the patience with this story. And thanks again to anangelslove for the plot. Now without further ado, enjoy!

All I could feel is a tight cramping in my stomach. I felt myself being lifted and heard Tsunade tell Sasuke I was probably in labor. I clenched my eyes shut as another wave of pain ran through me.

I opened an eye, my vision blurry and I more so heard than saw Tsunade as they were ready to take me away. "Sasuke, do you have the energy to accompany Naruto?"

"Yes, I do." There was no doubt in his voice and I heard him quickly get off the bed.

I heard Tsunade bark an order to one of the nurses before her gaze was directed back towards me. She was explaining what was going to happen, I believe. I couldn't keep my focus on her. All I can think about is, what if none of our children are a match for Sasuke? What if going through all of this was just a mistake and I'm still going to lose Sasuke.

I felt myself being wheeled away and immediately began to panic, stopping them. "W-wait!" I looked over to my side and saw Sasuke being wheeled in a wheelchair next to me.

Tsunade gave me a smirk as I visibly felt myself relax. "I wanted to make sure Sasuke would be able to keep up, this is the best way."

I felt my hand being held and I looked into his onyx eyes as I slowly lied down and they began to wheel us both away.

"Isn't this exciting, Naruto?" Sasuke looked lovingly at me and I felt my chest swell with love. "Our beautiful children will be here soon. We'll take them home, spoil them. It'll all be great."

I listened as he began to go on, talking about future holidays and family vacations. I felt my eyes water, feeling so happy but sad. I didn't want my worries to come true, the possible future that Sasuke was describing, was the one I wanted to stay in. But I couldn't help feeling that it was just a pipe dream.

I could only give Sasuke a small smile. It felt pathetic and by the deep frown that suddenly formed on Sasuke's face, I could tell he knew something was wrong.

"Naruto,-" whatever he was going to say got cut short as we were wheeled into the operating room.

Hours later, both Sasuke and Naruto were wheeled back into their room. Sasuke was resting peacefully next to an exhausted Naruto. The raven was slowly stroking Naruto's hair, hoping it'll lull him enough to fall asleep. He wanted the blonde to get some much needed rest.

Naruto's eyes shut and Sasuke let out a sigh, he was finally asleep.

A choked sob caused Sasuke to look down at Naruto in alarm. He had his hands covering his eyes as he began to start crying. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Sasuke tried as best as he could to pull Naruto further into his side, not understanding what the problem was.

"I-I'm so happy, they're here." Naruto managed to say out, a smile on his face. Sasuke relaxed as he realized Naruto's crying didn't mean he was upset. "But," he trailed off as he began to cry again and Sasuke also tensed, misjudging Naruto's emotions. "I'm still so worried. What if none of them are a match? All of this, just crumbling in front of us."

"Dobe," Sasuke's tone was loving as he responded. "You can't be thinking about that right now. You're a new dad, enjoy the moment. You'll have plenty of time to worry about that if the situation arises. Right now, you don't know but let that take all that stress off your shoulders. No use in worrying about something you can't control."

Naruto sniffled before shaking his head and smiling up at Sasuke. "I know, you're right."

Sasuke let out a snort, playfully sticking up his nose. "I'm always right."

Naruto rolled his eyes with a laugh.

A knock from their door had them looking up and they saw Tsunade with one of the cribs. She rolled it in, followed by three other nurses and the rest of their kids.

"Congratulations you two!" Tsunade gave them a smile. "I have here, Daisuke, then Emiko, Taigen and finally Yori. Three boys and one girl. You two will have quite a handful raising these four." She gave them a smirk.

Sasuke and Naruto looked on in awe, the nurses bringing the babies closer.

"Now, as for the results of the blood tests." Her face and voice got serious, causing both men to look at her with their full attention.

Naruto felt himself deflate, feeling grim about the situation. Sasuke seemed as stoic as ever but Naruto could tell by the tight grip on his hand, Sasuke wasn't feeling to great about the results either.

Tsunade was silent for a moment, before she broke into a giant grin. "Daisuke was a match."

Naruto let out a loud laugh and turned to Sasuke. The raven was smiling and that caused Naruto to throw himself into Sasuke's side, wrapping his arms around him. "Did you hear that, Sasuke?! It's a match." Tears of relief were flowing from Naruto's eyes.

"Hn." Sasuke placed a kiss on top of Naruto's head, feeling his own relief as well.

"Now, you two enjoy your night with your children. I've managed to book an operating room for tomorrow afternoon to have that transplant."

Naruto perked up. "Really? So soon."

Tsunade just nodded before smirking. "Yep, I am the boss around here after all. When you come back to work, I expect you to bust your ass for me."

"Of course!" Naruto gave her the biggest grin he could.

"Alright, I'll see you two tomorrow." She waved before making her exit.

"Can you believe this, Sasuke?" Naruto's eyes stayed on their children as he smiled lovingly at them. He moved to the end of the bed, looking into Emiko's bed, their only daughter, and gently thumbing her cheek. "They're beautiful."

"Of course." Sasuke also moved to the end of the bed and looked into the crib at Yori. As he began to touch the top of his head, feeling the soft tufts of raven hair, he looked at Naruto. "I told you not to worry."

Naruto giggled before leaning over and placing a kiss on Sasuke's lips. "And you're always right."

Sasuke smirked in response and kissed him back more passionately. "I know."

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