Chapter 13

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Naruto quietly sat in the chair by Sasuke's hospital bed.  The raven was currently taking a nap, the pale face was slightly contorted with what looked like pain. The blonde  frowned as Sasuke let out a pained groan.

The blonde sat back in his chair and placed a hand on his large belly. In the two weeks since he found out he was having four kids, it seemed like his belly was growing larger everyday.
Naruto felt his energy start to recover but it seemed like Sasuke's condition was getting worse. Naruto could tell that the raven was trying to hide how much actual pain he was in but the blonde could read Sasuke better than he knew.

Naruto let out a sigh and reached out for Sasuke's hand, giving it a light squeeze. He smiled to himself as he felt a very gentle squeeze back and the pained look on his face turned peaceful.

A light knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He turned to see Tenten giving him a small smile. "One of the doctors was looking for you. Do you want more time for lunch?"

He smiled back at her before shaking his head. "No, I can get back to work." He started to get up, the weight of his belly causing him to struggle.

Tenten hurriedly walked into the room, offering her assistance. "Are you sure? You're twenty weeks pregnant, we don't want you to overwork yourself."

After standing up, Naruto waved her off. "I'm fine. I have all this newfound energy, might as well put it to work." His grin grew larger.

Tenten giggled. "Alright. Just remember to keep hydrated and take breaks as needed."

"Don't worry, I know." He looked down at Sasuke. "He had his medication almost an hour ago. By the time I'm done with my shift, he should be ready to go home."

Tenten nodded and watched the blonde make his way to the door. "I'll look after him for you. Have a good rest of your shift!"

Naruto replied with a 'thank you' as he made his way to the nurses station.

Sasuke awoke to an empty room. He groaned in pain as he attempted to sit up only to fall back down. He panted as he tried to catch his breath, the little movement causing him to be tired already. "Shit." He muttered to himself as he threw his arm over his eyes.

All he wanted was for things to go back to normal. The constant fatigue was starting to get to him. He wanted to enjoy Naruto's pregnancy, but with the constant sleeping and worrying over any injury that may happen, he felt he was missing out.

He pulled his arm away only to notice a spot on his arm. He narrowed his eyes and held his arm farther away to notice it was a bruise. He frowned and lightly pressed on it, only to hiss in pain.

"Hey there, Sasuke. What's up?" Sasuke turned towards the door to see Tenten standing in the doorway. 

"Uh, hey there, Tenten." He turned to look back at his arm. "Hey, do you know anything about what happened to my arm?"

Tenten frowned. "Your arm?" She walked into room and up to the side of his bed. She lightly grabbed his arm and looked carefully at the bruise. "Yeah, that's a bruise."

"It wasn't there when I got here." He didn't sound accusing, more so a statement. 

"Unfortunately, unexpected bruising is a common symptom in aplastic anemia. Just try not to touch it too much and it should begin to heal on its own in a couple days. Make sure to drink plenty of water to help speed up the healing process."

"Will do. Can you help me, sit up?" Sasuke felt his face heat up at the request. How sad is it that he now needed help just to sit up in his bed? He wanted to pull the covers his head and hide until this was all over.

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