Chapter 15

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Naruto sighed heavily as he watched Sasuke get dressed for work. He pulled the blanket over his head, wrapping himself in a cocoon so that only his face was showing.

Sasuke turned at the sound, buttoning up his shirt and giving the blonde a concerned look. "It's only for today. Then the rest of the week I'm all yours." He finished getting his shirt and made his way over to the blonde, kissing his exposed forehead. "Deidara should be here any minute."

Naruto pouted. "I want you here!" He began to whine. "You said we'd spend more time together and the very first day you're leaving me behind!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "And that's why Deidara will be here to keep you company on your first day. I'm not a total monster." He gave him a playful smirk, crossing his arms over his chest.

Naruto huffed loudly and then stuck his tongue out. "Could've fooled me!" He wriggled free one of his arms and began to wave the raven away. "Go. Good thing you're leaving because you're being mean to me anyways!"

"Knock knock!" A voice interrupted and Sasuke turned to see Deidara in the doorway, Itachi behind him. "I'm here, Naruto!"

"Good!" Naruto held out his arms, inviting Deidara into the bed. Deidara made his way as quickly as he could and climbed in. Naruto rested his head on top of Deidara's belly and gave a glare to Itachi. "Itachi, Sasuke's being mean, take him away!"

"As you wish." Itachi gave a respectful bow and Sasuke let out a snort and made his way out of the room. "Out of here, peasant!"

Sasuke ignored his brother and turned to face Naruto. "I'll see you later, Naruto. Make sure to relax, okay?"

"Okay, dad." Naruto rolled his eyes.

Sasuke gave him a predatory look. "I love you."

"Love you too, bastard." Naruto smiled at him.

"Aw, you two are so sweet, un!" Deidara threaded his fingers through Naruto's hair and then smiled brightly at Itachi. "I love you, un! Have a good day!"

Itachi gave him a small smile in return and waved. "Love you too."

The two blonde's watched their husbands disappear before Deidara carefully stood up, gently placing Naruto's head on the bed below. "I'm going to make breakfast, I'm starving, un!"

Naruto pouted as his warmth and comfort was gone. He sighed loudly and stared up at the ceiling. "Okay. What are you making?"

Deidara chuckled. "Depends on what you have."

Naruto was silent before he turned to him, eyes wide. "Scrambled eggs with cheese, pickles and hot sauce? And then bananas with sour cream and peanut butter?"

Deidara raised an eyebrow. "I know that should make me sick, but I might make that for myself too, un."

Naruto gave him a toothy grin. "Thank you!" He watched as Deidara walked out of the room before his smile slowly faded. He rolled onto his back from his side, placing his hand on his stomach.

He began to think about the doctor's appointment the day before.

Everything began normal, until Sai began running the tests. And as soon as he realized Naruto's blood pressure was not going down, he immediately demanded the blonde be put on bedrest.

The news didn't really come as a shock to the blonde, more as a disappointment. As soon as Sai ended their appointment, he ran to the bathroom and after making sure it was empty, immediately began to break down.

After what felt like hours, he was able to collect himself enough to leave. He slowly made his way to the front of the hospital and sat down on a bench. He took out his cell phone and called up Tsunade.

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