Chapter 10

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A month and a half later of doing fertility treatments, to make his chances of pregnancy higher, led him to the current situation he was in. Heading to the doctors with his brother in-law, Deidara.

The two of them usually got along well. But sometimes, they had their disagreements, mostly about stupid things too. And today was one of those days.

Itachi and Deidara found out they were expecting about three weeks ago. When they found out, they came to Naruto, Sasuke and Tsunade about using their own child's stem cells to donate to Sasuke. They knew how the younger couple wanted to hold off on having children.

But after the conversation they previously had, they explained that they still wanted to have a child of their own. And announced they already started fertility treatments.

After that, Deidara made sure to call Naruto every week, inviting him to take an official pregnancy at his clinic where he gets his ultrasounds. Every time, Naruto declined, until last week where he started throwing up throughout the day and feeling slightly moody. He agreed readily with taking up Deidara's offer.

The two were currently in the car, Deidara driving and Naruto sitting in the passenger seat. They were discussing possibly having a combined baby shower, planning out the party. They talked about the food, the activities, the guests. It wasn't until they were deciding the colors that they began get into a heated argument.

"Naruto, stop being stubborn!" Deidara screamed as Naruto was currently sticking his fingers in his ear and humming as loud as possible. The older blonde rolled his eyes before grabbing the younger blonde's arm and pulled. "Listen. To me!"

Naruto glared and crossed his arms. "I don't want a pastel green and pink baby shower!" He scrunched his face up in disgust. "That just sounds terrible!"

"Well I don't want a stupid pastel yellow and purple baby shower! Those colors don't even go together!"

"Well I guess we won't be having a combined baby shower, then!" Naruto humphed, turning to the window.

"I guess so!" Deidara agreed with a snort. He continued his driving, a scowl on his face.

They reached the clinic not even five minutes later. Deidara pulled into the parking lot and parked into the spot next to Itachi's car where the raven was leaning up against it, waiting for the pair.

As the older blonde stepped out, Itachi rose an eyebrow at the tension that was formed between the two. He placed a gentle kiss on Deidara's lips before wrapping his arm around his waist as the three of them began to walk towards the building. "What happened?"

Deidara rolled his eyes. "We were planning our combined baby shower. Everything was good until we got to picking the colors. I wanted pastel green and pink baby shower and he wants pastel yellow and purple."

Naruto said nothing in response, choosing to pout as Itachi held the door open for the two blonde's.

Itachi snorted at the two blonde's silly disagreement. "That's what all this anger is about? Why don't you two compromise?"

"Comprise?" The two asked in confusion. They looked at each other before turning quickly away and gazing back at Itachi.

Itachi rolled his eyes and rubbed one side of his head. "You two really can be childish. Yes, compromise. Use one color from each person, like pastel green and yellow."

Both blonde's eyes widened and they turned to each other, smiling. "Perfect!" They exclaimed, squealing as they walked up to the front desk, checking themselves in. They then sat down whispering to themselves about more plans on the future baby shower. Itachi shook his head before sitting down next to Deidara.

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