Chapter 9

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“So what exactly does this mean?” Sasuke asked. He gave a glance to Naruto who was staring down at his lap. He then turned back to Tsunade, giving her his full attenion.
“Well, aplastic anemia is when damage has developed in the bone marrow, slowly shutting down the progression of new red blood cells.” She began to explain. “Now, it's a chronic condition and could also be fatal.”
Sasuke's eyes widened. He turned back to Naruto and his eyes softened at the sight. The blonde was silently crying. He now understood why Naruto was so worried. He reached out and grabbed his hand and gave it a light squeeze. He received a gentle squeeze back and he smiled slightly before giving his attention back to Tsunade.
“Normally, we can do a bone marrow transplant but because of your blood type, this makes your condition critical.”
“Wait, what?!” Naruto spoke up, his eyes widened at Tsunade.
Tsunade narrowed her eyes at the blonde. “Yes. His blood type is rare and to be honest, we can put you close to the top on the donor list. But waiting while in a condition like this can be painful.”
“So then what would be my options?” Sasuke asked. He heard of patients being on the donor list from Naruto. Lots of them didn't make it. He glanced back at Naruto who looked ready to jump out the window and his stomach dropped. He didn't mind whatever happened to him. It was the love of his life that he was most worried about. Having Naruto worry about him would make him suffer more than any physical pain he could ever go through.
“To be honest, there really isn't much we could do besides treat the pain and wait for a donor.” Tsunade gave him the grim news, choosing not to sugarcoat anything.
“A cord transplant!” Naruto suddenly shouted.
Sasuke and Tsunade both glanced over at the blonde who looked suddenly hopeful. “A what now?” Sasuke asked, an eyebrow raised.
Tsunade tapped her chin and hummed in response. “That could work but how would you go about that?”
Naruto blushed. “Well, me and Sasuke could have the child.”
Sasuke blinked rapidly before shaking his head. “Wait what? Can someone please explain to me what the hell a cord transplant is and what that entails?”
“A cord transplant is when we take the stem cells from umbilical cord blood since they are a very good source of stem cells.” Tsunade started. “We would take the blood as soon as the baby is born.”
“Even if me and Naruto had a kid now, that’s still going to be at least nine months.” Sasuke pointed out.
“And that would still probably be a better chance than waiting on a wait list.” Tsunade grimly replied. “But no matter what your choice, I’ll still make sure you have a spot.”
Sasuke looked at Naruto who stayed surprisingly quiet during the rest of the conversation. He frowned before giving his attention back to Tsunade. “I think we’re going to need some time.”
She nodded. “Of course. Just give me a call when you’re ready.” She gave them a wave and left the room.
“So?” Sasuke looked at Naruto who was still looking down at lap.
Naruto let out a sigh before looking up at Sasuke. “I say we should do it.”
Sasuke raised an eyebrow. “You want to have a child now?”
Naruto shrugged. “Like Itachi pointed out, we’ve been married for three years already. And it would be better to start sooner.”
“What about your career? You always said you wanted to make sure you were steady in it. Do you think that now would be a good idea?”
Naruto scowled as he looked at his husband. “What’s wrong with having a kid now so that you can get better? Why are you fighting me on this?”
Sasuke sighed. Sometimes the blonde tested his patience and today was one of those days. But he knew the blonde was only worried for his sake. “Nothing’s wrong with having a child but only if it’s for the right reason. I’m not going to be selfish and decide to have a child now so I can be better and then realize that it’s not what we wanted yet and we can’t give it the love it deserves because of it. You understand? It’s not like we can return it if we don’t want it.”
Naruto stayed silent as he thought about what Sasuke said. He let out a sigh and sat back in his chair. He ran a hand through his hair and looked helplessly at Sasuke. “I understand that. But, what if, and this is worse case scenario,” he leaned forward. “What if you don't make it.”
Sasuke opened his mouth to interrupt him but the blonde held up a hand.
“Like I said, worse case scenario. It would be a chance for me to keep a part of you with me. In the best way possible too.” Naruto gave him a sad smile and reached for Sasuke's hand. He gently rubbed his thumb over his hand. “And that makes me happy. I want our love to have a physical representation. And what better way to show that then a child made by the two of us.”
Sasuke was stunned into silence by Naruto's words. He looked over the blonde man, the one he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with since he first met him. He saw the love in Naruto's eyes as he looked at his own onyx eyes. Without hesitation, he grabbed Naruto's arms and pulled him onto the bed.
“Sasuke?! What are you-?” Naruto's eyes widened as Sasuke pressed his lips passionately onto his own. He slowly closed his eyes as he kissed him back.
Soon they pulled away and Sasuke kissed the top of his head. “Let's have a baby together.”
Naruto looked up at Sasuke, his eyes filled with happiness and hope. “Really?”
Sasuke nodded. “Really.”
Naruto's grinned grew and he stood up quickly. “I'll go tell Tsunade!”

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