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It's been five years since the quads were born and Sasuke had his blood cord transplant. The first month after having the kids was hard. Both Sasuke and I stayed in the hospital, deciding things would be easier if Sasuke could get his rest in the hospital room as he recovered.

Boy were we wrong.

Getting a good nights sleep was hard, it seemed like all of them were on the same schedule, all wanting to fed, changed and cuddled at the same time. With just the two of them, it was extremely difficult, especially with both of us recovering, me from birth and Sasuke from his transplant.

We were lucky that Iruka came by to visit as often as he did, along with Kakashi occasionally too. It really lifted the load off of our shoulders.

Though Sasuke's recovery was a longer and more stressful one than mine was. Despite his blood work showing he was getting great results, the energy still wasn't coming to him. There were even a few times he was able to sleep through the kids crying. I tried my best not to get too annoyed, but when you're tired yourself, sometimes you let your emotions get the best of you.

Luckily Sasuke was very understanding at the time.

And finally, after spending an extra two months staying at the hospital, Sasuke got the okay to come home and we checked out of our hospital suite.

I didn't return to work the first year after they were born. But Sasuke returned about a month after we got home. I decided to stay home and take care of the house and children. Raising four kids alone though, was one of the hardest things I've done.

Sleep was something that was foregin to me at the time. Even with the help of Sasuke coming home after work, it was still tiring and practically non-stop.

There were times when Deidara came over to help out, bringing Souta with him. The two of us would watch as our children played together. Getting a little rest at times. But once Souta was about eleven months, Deidara became pregnant again and soon stopped coming by to help out. I was happy for him, but I missed the extra set of hands.

Shortly after their first birthday, I began to go to work again. Sasuke and I decided on an alternating schedule. It was easy for me to get the later shifts anyways.

But after a few months, it felt like me and Sasuke didn't even know each other anymore. I felt neglected, we never spent any time alone. Soon we were fighting like cats and dogs. The brief time alone we had, was spent yelling and arguing about stupid things, not washing a dish, or leaving some clothes out.

It went on like that for months, and it was hard. The kids could even feel the tension, sometimes crying when things got too loud.

One night, things got really bad. To this day, I couldn't tell you what started it but I kicked him out. He spent the weekend at his parents and I was honestly convinced it was over. All the years, the hardship and the love, I truly believed disappeared.

Then that following Sunday evening, he came back home, a bouquet in his hands and an apologetic look on his face. He showed me how much he loved me and we sat down and talked it out.

We knew we couldn't go on like this. We came up with a schedule where we both took an extra day off where we would get someone to look after the babies and we would spend time with each other only.

It ended up working very well. Our love was back in full force in a short amount of time. Even to this day, we're still obsessed with each other.

The kids started kindergarten this year, and we realized we had even more time to ourselves, not like we didn't love our kids, but sometimes it's great just the two of us.

Today, we were celebrated the kids birthday, we had a party in our backyard, inviting their friends from school. We had the family over as well and Itachi's and Deidara's kids, Souta and Hayami.

Once everyone left, and we put the kids to sleep, it was just me and Sasuke. I was just finishing picking up the last of the trash when I felt wandering fingers along my waist. I smirked to myself as I leaned into Sasuke's body. He wrapped his arms around my waist and began kissing my neck.

"Mm, I had fun today." I commented as Sasuke's lips began to travel to my shoulder.

"Hn." He managed to mumble against my skin. I shivered as his warm breath hit a sensitive spot. I felt his lips curve up into smirk as well. He breathed slow and long against the same spot, causing the same reaction.

"Bastard." I practically moaned.

"Come 'ere." He turned me around, grabbing my wrist and gently pulled us into the direction of our bedroom. I followed him with half-lidded eyes, I already knew where this was going.

He brought me into our room, gently nudging me towards the bed as he closed the bedroom door behind him. I laid down on the bed and he climbed on top of me, a predatory look in his eye.

He began to kiss my neck again, but with more fervor than earlier. I moaned at the feeling. He began to lift up my shirt, but I quickly stopped him. "W-wait!"

He stopped but not before glaring at me for stopping him. "What?" He growled out in frustration.

"I have something to tell you." I started nervously.

I could see a flash of panic in his eyes as I uttered the words. He slowly drew away from me, a look of concern and dread on his face. "What is it?"

I gave him a serious look before breaking out into a grin, only growing bigger as Sasuke visibly relaxed. "I'm pregnant."

I laughed as emotions of shock, confusion and then happiness flashed in his eyes, all practically in an instant. He leaned back over me, capturing my face in his hands, He gave me a long and passionate kiss, one I returned with vigor. He pulled away and placed his forehead against mine. "Naruto, I love you."

"I love you too, Sasuke."

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