Part 2

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"She's my black pearl" Scarlett sang with the CD

"She's my blaack peeeeeeeaaarrlllll" I sang next, this was probably my favourite song from our favourite group, EXO. Unfortunately we've arrived so we had to turn the player off. A big luminous sign saying 'Hillside Club&Bar' shining through the tainted windows of my car. Both of us got out and many people turned their gaze towards us as we closed the car doors with a slam. Many of those stares were from sexually deprived men, sexually deprived middle aged 30's men.

Both of us walked up to Pracy with all the hungry eyes still stalking us.

"Pracy, How much for those two?" a man shouted making us turn around to him. He was pointing at us, his friend looking Scarlett up and down making her gag in disgust.
I walked up to him and back-hand slapped him with quite a harsh force. His head came back up to where it was before and his eyes showed a raging lividness in them

"Who do you think you are, skank?!" He shouted at me, I lifted my hand and swung again but he took ahold of my wrist. We stayed like that for a good couple of seconds.

"Get your filthy STD hand off my wrist, you disgusting scumbag" I spat before throwing my leg around his shoulder and pulling him down to the floor, swinging myself over him while he was falling. Landing with a crack from his arm, he squirmed under my work boot.
"Try touching me again with your infested hands, and this goes to all of you; I will cut your goddam Dick off and feed it to the dogs while you watch, is that clear?" I glared at the man on the floor. A chorus of "Yes Ma'am" and "Yes Miss" filled the dirty air and I smiled.

"That's more like it, and if I was you then I'll check who you're messin' with, Purcell wouldn't like it if he heard what you did to his 2 daughters"

Pracy was leaning on the wall in a casual way, waiting for us to finish our little game. We both strutted up to him laughing.
"Hey Pracy" "Hello Pracy" me and Scarlett greeted him with a hug

"Hello you two" He said, returning the hug immediately.

"So what's the problem here?" Scarlett asked
"It better be worthy of time" I added; Scarlett agreeing with me. We were very picky on situations because if they weren't very exciting then we'd not put our time into it, unless we had to, obviously.

"Well seems like we have a small problem, one of my regularly customers was in tonight but Viviann said while she was doing her usual thing with him, a few Asian guys just walked in and dragged him along with them."

"And this is important why?" Scarlett questioned, looking up from her nails.

"Well I heard the main people from the Korean and Chinese Mafia are here, apparently they're after Big B. Not sure why but maybe if you ask Boss himself you might hit some clues 'bout it" He informed us seriously.

"Aiight, we'll head back up to the Warehouse and talk to Boss, see if we get anything from him" I said
"Okay, be careful. Bye" Parcy said
"I'm an assassin, she's a Hitman, we're not 8 year old school girls" I laughed and Scarlett joined but then we, once again said farewell for tonight.

The man who grabbed my wrist earlier on was staring at me chest and I walked back up to him, giving him a blow into the gut with me knuckle duster decorated fist.

"Serves you right you ugly rodent"


As I pulled into the warehouse and parked in my space by the drugs, Scarlett looked at me.

"If this is the Korean AND the Chinese mafia, you'll be in there to find these groups, won't ya?" She asked, smirking

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