Part 13

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Scarlett kept typing away at her phone, in hopes to track Purcell.

The silence became deafening after awhile but no on bothered saying a word only Vinny was heard yelling commands in his warehouse.

*buzz buzz buzz*

*buzz buzz buzz*

We all stared at Pracy, then followed his hand going to fish out his phone with our owl-like stares.

"It's Big B!" He yelled, immediately picking up.

"Purc- what? why?" his face scrunched up together in confusion.

"....really? Okay if you think it's the best-" his eyes landed on me and Scarlett, hesitation in them. He stayed silent for a long time.

"yeah sure...stay safe" with that he hung up.

Morzg stood up and walked towards his friend, patting his shoulder in question. Scarlett just looked at them two as I watched a bunch of teenagers on the street, a pang of envy and sadness shooting straight through my heart.

"Purcell said he managed to escape them, he said there was a deal from them. If he sends you both to America, they'll give him his wife back...we all know what happened to Julie so it isn't true. He said he'll send you two so the K and C will not leave England until their gang in the U.S approves of your arrival. He said it's too dangerous to stay in England...go to his Private jet at Gatwick and leave to Seoul, in South Korea." Pracy explained.

"Okay, I see..when do we all leave-" I started.

"It's only you two" Pracy interrupted.

"What?!!" Scarlett's voice came out more derpy than serious.

"They know all our faces apart from'll be going alone since they wouldn't recognise you, they don't know anything only your cover names so you'll be fine using your real names" Pracy kept going.

"Dude first neither of us have ever been there and second erm hello, language problem 101 we no know Korean" Scarlett huffed.

"Look we'll figure things out but for now you'll have to go, when we have figured some things out then we will tell you" Pracy practically forced a smile.~

Sighing I nodded while putting a hand on Scarlett's shoulder. Her head slightly tilted towards me and she relaxed.

"There must be some people in Seoul to help, and who can speak English...alright we'll leave in about 15 minutes. I'll just have to get some small things-" I spun around to go and talk to Vinny.

"No weapons are going with you" Morzg strictly demanded.

"oh cOME ON!"


"Would you like Champagne Ms. Glenna?" Harvey, the flight attendant politely asked while holding a small tray with already filled glasses of Champagne.

I nodded, bidding a 'thank you' silently; Scarlett accepted a glass too, looking out of the window.

"What the hell do we do when we get to Korea? I mean where do we stay and how long do we have to stay over here anyway?" her questions ended with a slight huff followed by a pout.

"Ah, Ms. Scarlett we have these reservations and year cards made by Mr. Vinny and Mr. Fals" Harvey brought over several tickets on the silver tray.

We both grabbed half each, exchanging all the doubles with eachother.

- Hotel

- Train

- Bus

- Taxi

- A few brochures

"Hm great, we get to go sight seeing while the others stay and kick ass" that was the only sentence I could say, crackin my knunckles one by one, a usual habit I had gotten since young.

"I can't believe they didn't even let us take any fucking pocket knives" Scarlett threw her arms up in exaggeration. I laughed and nodded before my smile faded, being replace by a frown.

"But I still can't believe that the actual gangs are goddamn EXO themselves like when fricking Tao was there like wut even" Scarlett held the back of her neck while shaking her head lightly.

"Tell me about it" I let out a sarcastic nose laugh.

"It's funny if ya think about it Gee" Scarlett chuckled.

"Hm?" I hummed in a curious tone.

"Well think about, pretty much any fan would be like 'omg if EXO came after me or tried to kidnap me, I would never resist cause sksjdvdjsbdjs' and then die of a heart attack" her explanation was true as she clutched her heart like it was a cheesy drama.

Laughing at her stupidness, I shook my head slightly.

"Then again, are we really that lucky to be chased?" I read the brochure, my legs lazily separated; if I had a mum, she would've scolded me for not sitting like a woman.

"Pff, I wish I knew"


Hey guys!

I hope you like the new update but it's 01:53 am here and I'm waiting for SEVENTEEN's vocal line to perfom on arirang since I have messy sleeping problems oh well!

Hope it was good enough♡


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