Part 12

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Walking through the train back from the toilet, I got to the seating area, slightly seeing Scarlett's brunette head with the apple red bandanna wrapped tightly around it all.

As I sat back down, my thoughts took over;

If Peter was involved who else is?

What do we do when we arrive in Brighton?

What if they find us?

Why the hell are me and Scarlett the main point in this?

The questions went on and on, non-stop making me sigh once again for the thousandth time. I hate running away, I would rather stand and fight; even if it meant death I would rather die than be a coward...Nonetheless, it would be against Purcell's orders. None of us would ever go against them.

"Next stop is Brighton, this is the end line Ladies and Gentlemen, please take your rubbish with you and all luggage found will be sent to the police so don't forget to take it with you, have a wonderful evening" the train driver spoke through the intercom.

"We'll be going to the headquaters located near the beach, you remember Brighton's night club?" Fals climbed out of his seat, Lukas shaking Tino awake.

"Yeah, Vinny's place right?" I asked.

"Vinny's place indeed, top quality living spaces for us~"


"Guys~ Long time no see, how's the London crew doing? Where's Purcy Baby?" Vinny walked into his office where all of us were either currently sitting or standing.

"We're in trouble, the quarter was ambushed...not sure how many survived and Purcell has gone north for some reason...but it's important" Pracy informed the Head man of Brighton.

"Hm, ambushed ey?" Vinny grabbed a bottle of Corona, popping the lid of by the desks side.

"Unfortunately, the ambushers were the Korean and Chinese Mafia" Morzg added; Vinny instantly choked on his alcohol, coughing and spewing for air. His head snapped up with wide eyes.

"Where up north did Purcell go?" His voice was demanding.

"We don't know, like he-"

"WHERE?" Vinny shouted, making most of us flinch.

"Close to York I think, most probably the harbour points" I chimed in quietly, not wanting Vinny to raise his voice, because was kinda frightening hearing a former Prisoner who killed 17 people and was part of several violent riots shout.

"He needs to get out of there!" Vinny calmed his voice, yet was still above normal tone.

Out of nowhere, a song started playing...Drum and bass father by Devilman to be precise. Pracy's phone; picking up, he begun his sentence.

"Hey, George-wait wait, slow down...what's up in York?....wha...uhu...really? when? okay-slow down I can't understand you-George? what's going-George? Hello?...Hellooo?.......the lines dead" Pracy slowly took the phone from his ear, gazing at us.

"What was that about?" Scarlett questioned.

"First, he said there was trouble...and he said 'they' have Purcell...and suddenly there were shots...gunshots...and then the line just went...silent"

Everyone went dead quiet, the only noise being the never ending beep from the phone, indicating a cut off line.

Glances were exchanged, the silence suddenly vanishing from the sudden uproar of Vinny's curses and blue murders. Scarlett and I shared the same exact feeling of negativity. The anger surged through my veins, becoming stronger with every ticking second.

Meanwhile, in York. The 2 Asian leaders stood in front of Purcell. Kris's face was postured in a certain way, one emotion only Leaders possessed.  Suho stepped in further, a small appearing on his pale features, yet disappeared as quick as light.

"Hayden, Hayden, long has it been?" Suho's voice was light, almost kind-like. Purcell knew it was far from that. However, the English man stayed dead with words. Not long after, Kris started to grow annoyed with the silent presence, taking a step towards The Yardies Upper hand.

"Let's make it quick"

"I won't tell you where they are, never would I dare"

"If you just tell me, I could let you go. Negotiate with me from a friend to friend"

"We..are not friends. I would rather die than turn in MY GIRLS" Purcell's voice darkened within the middle of the sentence, Goosebumps forming from irritation.

"...Hm, you haven't changed since high school you know?"

"Get out of my Country"

"I will, when I have what I want" Kris stared into Purcell's dull eyes.

"You don't know them..You'll never get them" Purcell's eyes squinted with a flash of mockery shining through them.

Kris chuckled, knowing what Purcell meant. Nonetheless, it didn't stop him from doing it.

"let's make it easy" Suho chimed in, taking his place next to Kris.

"We have a deal for you" Suho smirked, but that smirk spoke differently. Purcell glanced at Suho with a hint of uncertainness.

"You couldn't resist this"



SoooOOOoOOOOooooOoooo I have updated. Aaaand there is a cliffhangerrr!

What could this deal be? Why don't you drop a comment what it could be!

Hope you enjoyed this (bad) chapter! Thank you for sticking around :D


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