Part 17

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I woke up once again, this time it was bright. The sunlight flooded into the room, lining everything with a beautiful glow.

Something tightened around my torso and I turned in my bed, coming face to face with a sleeping Key.
The memories of last night flashing into my brain.

"Oh god we didn't..." I decided to look under the covers, conforming exactly everything.

"We sure did and the way you said my name last night, you obviously enjoyed it a lot" his husky voice groaned but a smug tone was laced through it.

My hands fell upon my face, a small blush scattered across my cheeks.

Cocky dick

This was not how I imagined to lose my V-card...yet I genuinely don't regret it, because my assumptions were correct.

He had a fucking hot body and he was better than I expected in bed.

Key laughed but it was a real laugh not a cocky one like the others, he finished laughing but a grin was stuck to his face.

"Oh I see what this is" his grin still there.

"Fuck off" I warned him.

"I was your first~" he teased immediately making sit up.
After last night, the handcuffs were gone, only an exception of keeping my wrists from tearing apart.

I was about to get up but a sudden ache shot through my legs making me sit right back down and groan, it wasn't too bad but just unexpected.

"Was I too rough~?" He kept teasing, getting up himself.

"Get out or I'll fuck you up" I glared at him.

"Gladly wouldn't mind that, since you're in that state I wont have to handcuff you back onto the bed...for now" Key's chuckle was really sexy when his voice was hoarse. My eyes tweeked at the comment, so I stayed in place.
He got up and walked towards the door, letting me have a full behind view.

"The more you stare, the more tempted I am to go for round two" he raised his eyebrows and wiggled them. I just threw daggers making him shake his head and smirk.

"Oh you loved, don't even deny it" and with that he closed the door, I heard the shower turn on in the other room which was pretty much a queue for me.

Time to go

I grabbed whatever clothes I could find. Luckily there was wardrobe with a few pieces of clothing, I'm gonna guess from one-night stands.

"Urgh, manwhore" I let my eyes roll again, taking out a bra and some pants and putting them on.

"Hm, at least they fit...they seemed to be washed too" I sighed in relief, diggin back into the clothing, finding a pair of high-waisted jeans and a huge ass black top.

"Hm, seems good" I nodded before grabbing a pair of what seemed to be new black safety shoes which you'd wear for work. They were steel-toe capped which made my advantages more successful.
Listening closely, I heard the shower still running.

I have so much luck today

Without thinking twice, I krpet to the door, shoes in my right hand and opening the door with my left.
Tip-toeing down the hall was easily done, as it wasn't a long one.
As soon as I reached the open living room, I grabbed some chewing gum from the kitchen and put on my shoes.

Suddenly, the rushing water stopped.

"Oh shite" I gasped, tying the second shoe with sonic speed and bolting to the door; at the door was his phone so I took the opportunity and shoved it in my pocket.

"GET BACK HERE" was the last thing I heard before bolting off and down the corridor.

* * * *

"Okay, now where in gods name am I?" My eyes glanced around the surroundings, trying to figure out which direction I had to go yet I knew, I was lost 100%.

Looking at the signs didn't help at all as it was a jumble of Korean, so it meant I couldn't navigate the usual way.

"Argh, why did he send us here...he must've been stupid to not realise that this is their territory" my eyes automatically rolled by themselves. However, being here meant I was safe for the time being; the disadvantage would be that Key knows Seoul like the back of his hand so he knows every nook and cranny, the advantage? I ran in complete unorganised directions, taking the phone locater chip out of both phones and throwing them into a building before dashing the other way.

"Oh! I have google translate...the pucutre thing..." quickly unlocking the phone, tapping the app for translation options, I gave a small vicotry cry seeing the dark grey camera button.

"Looks like I'm at least 3 steps further~" I decided to check the signs around me, giving me a good idea where I am while checking google maps.

Bukchon Hanok Village

With that, I began navigating myself around the place; I stopped remembering I was not alone.

"Oh shit, Scarlett...oh how will I find he-ah! Yes! I'll just translate the messages on the phone" I stood proudly. As I began checking the phone, it was easier than expected.

No password
Minho's profile pic on Keys Samsung was brilliant
Just for the fun, I took some selfies on his phone to add to his billions of selfies ( who wouldn't do that)

The process took about 2 minutes before the whole phone was translated over, including all messages.

"I should really thank our awesome hacker for teaching me this" I muttered, smiling at all my success, clicking the recent messages shared between Kim Kibum and Choi Minho.

Minho: Boss said we should keep them at our houses for the time being, he'll call us when he needs us

Key: okay sure, are you in the south penthouse or the east?

Minho: East, it's closer to the building so it's quicker to get to

Key: ah yes, true

"What building?" I questioned out loud before coming up with a plan.

I checked if automatic translation was on, so if I write in English it'll automatically translate the sentences and the structure before typing.

Key: Minho, the boss said he needs to meet with us at Gangnam station but leave the girl at your house. He said I should send someone to pick her up, the same is with me and my one. I'll just need your address again for the driver.

In a matter of seconds I got a reply.

Minho: okay, sounds good. You know my address but here it is: (some building address) and it's the apartment number 365/penthouse.
I'll inform the reception about it.

Key: okay, I'll see you at Gangnam in 10 minutes

With that, I saved the address in my phone's notes and grabbed a taxi.

* * * *

Yooo, here yo go! The new chapter!

What did you think?

Hm, what do you guys think on what's gonna happen next chapter?~

hope you enjoyed the chapter and thank you for reading!^-^


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