Part 14

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"Ready" Scarlett bounced in excitement as we were about to have a bouncy landing.

"Last person to stand gets to choose the hotel room first" I answered, my partner in crime nodding; giving a small 'yaas' as an answer.

The jet was soaring smoothly but in a matter of milliseconds the jet tyres hit to floor, making both of us literally fly into the side of the jet walls.

"STILL STANDING" I screamed in delight, seeing Scarlett face first on the floor.

"AH FUCK THAT HURT" her voice becoming high pitched as she yelped.

"idiots" Harvey muttered, oblivious to the fact that both of our ears picked up on his small comment.

"Bitch you're and idiot" I gave him a 'that's right asshole' face before sitting down again.


As we got off, my eyes immediately landed on the blue Maserati granturismo sport making them nearly bulge out of my skull.

Scarlett's reaction was nearly a repetition of mine, only to have added "holy shit man" to it.

"Niiiiiicceee" An evident smirk pricked onto my features as I nodded my head in 100% approval. Scarlett ran down the jet steps, opening the polished door; she gasped at the sight infront of her.

"G, check out the interior...fuuck" she kind of laughed in astonishment.

Shaking off the trance I was in, I strutted up to the 2015 produced car; flinging the door open, I nearly fell back because I was gobsmacked 101.

The interior was unbelievable, consiting of real white leather seats, the front boards charcoal black, with the newest built in navigation system made including a 9 memory stationed radio, a fancy little built in clock, newest air con station button with also an automatic air con placement system via body temperature.
The back seats had special separate leg space, obviously cupholders, small insider lights on the doors and a stereo that I didn't even know existed until now.

"Oh my holy god" is all that I could comprehend while sitting in the drivers seat.

Scarlett slipped into the (diamond life) the passenger seat, groaning an 'oh my wow', granting the car her full approval.

"I soooooo want this car" I whispered, touching the navi to start, swiping here and there to see the features.

"You'll be driving in many cars like this while on your stay Ma'am" a man around 27, who was wearing a suit said.

"I'm your chauffeur, Tony. I will be driving you to the hotel now; your bags have already arrived in your rooms" he sounded professional.

"Awesome, who paid all this if I may ask without rudeness" My eyebrows furrowed in curiosity.

"Sir. Purcell owns a few big industries here in Seoul, all this is under his fortune. Purcell advised to only give you the best of the best while your stay in Seoul." Tony answered, bowing his head slightly in a mannerful way.

"So we'll be on rich kid hype while in South Korea" Scarlett smirked at me.

"You could formulate it like that aswell, yes" Tony left his eyeborws rise in amusement.

"Nasty" I laughed, knowing it was everything but nasty.


As we arrived at the hotel, the receptionist gave us the card-key from which she grabbed off the humongous board behind her.

"Enjoy your stay, if you have any complaints or troubles, do not hesitate to tell me or call services with this number" she said in a fake sweet tone, topped off with a plastered on played smile as she handed Scarlett a card with a fee numbers on it.

"Thank you" she said, turning away and immediately the womans smile dropped as the next customers arrived.
She was obviously having a bad day.

"Ah 1724, found it" I said as I swiped to key-card through the the slit of the card reader.
The light became green which meamt I could open the door.

"Fuck me sideways" I breathed as I entered a full on luxury suite.

"GLENNA!" Scarlett yelled from the bathroom.

"YE" I replied, to engrossed by the newest plasma t.v.

"OMF THEY HAVE A BUTT WATER SPRAY CLEANER" She screamed back, making me halt.

"Oh my lord" I mumbled to myself, walking to the bathroom.

"What even is this called? I can't remember it" I stated as we stared at the uber clean butt spray cleaner.

"Wasn't it Bidet?" She asked.

"Ah yeah, it was!" I agreed laughing.

We both just stood there for a good minute or two, cackling over a Bidet...which isn't even funny whatsoever.


"What you gonna do with all the MDMA? Also didn't you have some methadone delivery coming from Russia this Sunday?" I asked her as I sat criss-cross on the bed in my pjs which consisted of a oversized green and black winter flannel. Brushing my now dried hair as I just finished blow-drying hair.

Scarlett 'oh'ed before rethinking things.

"Yeah I did, Scott was gonna bring the MDMA from Italy aswell, ahh that is gonna be a shitstorm...and Russia won't deliver until Monday since its their 'day off' on Sunday but they're gonna be on my neck if they can't drop it off" she said as she went through her delivery notes.

"A day off? I didn't know the mafia can take days off" I stuck out my bottom lip in thought.

"Neither did I- what was that?" Her head turned to the door way to quick for my brain to comprehend.

"I didn't hear anything" I put my gaze to the door, grabbing down to my thigh-

"Shit" I mumbled, remembering all of our weapons were confiscated by Vinny and Fals, including my thigh hider.

Suddenly, behind the door was some mumbling, must've beem korean as I didn't understand any of it. The door handle began shaking violently.

"I ain't got shit to use" I harshly whispered towards my friend who only whined in reply.

"I don't wanna fist fight" she hit the pillow at the word 'fight', proving her annoyance.

"Well find something and hide! I'll go hide by the balcony, you go hide in the small opening over by the mirror, we'll be able to see eachother from these points" I pointed towards what looked like a small storing space for suitcases, perfect for hiding.

We nodded at eachother, grabbing some type of weapon. Although all we found was a huge ass remote control for the t.v for Scarlett and a metal door hanger for me, it seemed enough for the emergency.

"Go, go, go, hide" I kept whispering, waving my hand fiercely like they would do in the police.

As I gave her the final push, she was up and in the space, holding the remote control ready.



I dived towards the balcony, hiding behind the window where the curtain was placed. Daring to peek, I moved my head slightly so it was still in the shadows.

"You can't be serious" I mouthed to nobody in particular.

"This can't be actually fucking happening" Scarlett breathed slowly, watching them step in.

We stared at each other from our spots before mouthing the exact same thought.

"Why the hell are they here"


What is up!

Cliffhangers are just fun^^

Who did Scarlett and Glenna see?

Why are they so shocked?

What could be happening?

Find out in the next chapter!


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