Part 7

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As we trudged up the stairs from the underground up to the surface, my eyes meet a certain familiar spot. Piccadilly Circus. The luminous pixel billboards lit up the whole area, making the scene look astonishing and the contrast of the dark giving the brightness more power. The whole area was mostly covered in neon-fire red from the Coca-Cola advert. The biggest billboard of all, followed by a Skoda advert billboard; The new Skoda Yeti SUV was now out on markets apparently.

"P.Circ it's been a while since I've been here..." Tino chuckled.

"It's been a while since you've been in London all together" Scarlett said monotone-like.

"Ah well, let's just enjoy this-Holy that Pewdiepie??" I asked as my gaze was towards the beginning of regent street; the most known shopping street of London.

Scarlett followed my look and gasped.

"Holy fuck nut, it is!" Her hand smacked over her mouth.

Tino and Lukas weren't even listening to us anymore.

"Ey Glenna, Scarlett Morzg wants us all to start heading back to the hotel, he's got some news" He informed us as he shoved his phone into his jacket pocket, even though we were still in distraction mode.

"Go ahead without us, we'll follow on soon" I yelled a bit as Scarlett and I already started making our way to regent street. Tino sighed, however obliged and dragged Lukas with him, disappearing back underneath the surface of London and into tube central.

"Oh my god, Ima freak" Scarlett squealed, taking a death grip onto my arm. I looked at her confused and shook her off with a 'get off fuckface' before continuing my little walk.

As we both approached, Scarlett became more and more giddy, this resulted to her following behind me and pushing me on so she doesn't get embarrassed. When both of us came to a halt, I emitted a small cough to grab his attention. It worked and that is when he spun around.

Felix Kjellberg was right infront of me and I was buzzing with excitement on the inside, nonetheless it was not showing a bit on the outside.

"Eh, Hello? Can I help you?" His accent was still quite thick, even though he's been here, in England for a while now.

"Erh, Hi Pewds...My name is Glenna and this is my friend in crime Scarlett-" I begun, gesturing to the adrenaline pumped and shaking girl behind me, who was death gripping my upper arm once again.

"We just wanted to say, we're huge fans and I just thought that if I had the chance to tell you ever I will...I mean I'm your 5th subscriber and I've been there since day-"

"You're my 5th subscriber?" He cut me off, surprise hinting in his voice.

I nodded 'yes' while a smile krept to my face, I was a proud fan and he came so far that my heart only swells in pride.

"Woah, you're a dedicated bro!" he laughed, us two joining.

"Always have been! Bro day everyday!" I put my hand up in line my face and flicked my wrists.

"Damn, well it's always nice to meet a fan, especially if they've been around for THAT long" His infamous smile plastered onto his face. I chuckled and Scarlett joined me.

"Oh, we have go to cause mine and Scarlett's...uncles are waiting back at our hotel. It was amazing to meet there a possibility that we could get a photo?" I asked in a hopeful tone.

"Anything for a golden bro" He chirped happily. Scarlett took my samsung galaxy S4 from me and took a few photos, I did the same with her photo.

We chatted a tiny bit more before we really had to go.

"Hey, yanno what...I think you guys are really cool...maybe we could meet up again so maybe we could exchange numbers?" He questioned while looking at the ground.

Smiling, I gave a little 'oi' so his head snapped up. "Sure thing bruh, I'd love to meet up again!" I answered and he sighed in relief.

As we all finished exchanging numbers, he gave me a confused look.

"Glenna, one thing; It's a school night, what are you doing out at 1AM in London?" his question really was filled with utter confusion. I sighed.

"Okay....promise you won't go mental but, I and Scarlett don't go to school...let me explain more clearly, do you know the gang 'The Yardies'?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Okay, have you heard of he members Liek and Foxglove?" I kept going.

He nodded again.

"'re talking to both of them right now" I uttered lowly, afraid he might just run off.

"...Herrejävlar (Holy shit) no way!" He sounded...thrilled?

"I know this sounds probably weird but I've always wanted to meet...mafia people and you guys are probably the most badass mafia legends ever....Again this probably sounds weird but I feel honoured to be friends with you!" He jumped a bit in exhilaration.

I laughed "Really?"

He nodded and laughed with me and Scarlett.

"That's day I could introduce you to the crew!" I said. Pewds stared at me wide-eyed before going ballistic.

"That would be AMAZING!...Oh well I've got to go but yeah, I'll text you tomorrow!" He started leaving.

We waved bye and he turned around one more time.

"Oh by the way, Triads suck balls!!" He shouted before walking down regent street.

Scarlett and I made our way to the underground.

"Scarlett...." I murmured.

"Mhmm" She hummed.

"The most subscribed youtuber...just fanboyed over us...the mafia...being friends and meeting us..."

We stared at eachother for a minute before bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

"Well, now we have a new friend" Scarlett wiped a fake tear away.

"And he definitely was happy about that too" I added.

"I cannot wait to tell the others!" I giggled.

Although we had a fun time, I felt unsettled about what Morzg and Pracy wanted. I really have a bad feeling about these news...and somehow I feel like I won't be surprised.

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