Part 8

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"Kastet!" I screamed in happiness as I opened the hotel door.

"Fals" Scarlett's voice boomed after mine as she sprinted into the room, flinging her arms around her boyfriend. Fals immediately returned the gesture with no hesitation.

"Why are you guys here? Pracy, Morzg what is going on?" I questioned still a bit giddy.

The 4 men all looked at eachother, disappointment and some anger flashing in their eyes.

"Girls, it's about your...friends you know Peter and Eric" Kastet answered.

"We were checking out the headq's of the 2 Mafias and they were there-" Fals began.

"Are they okay?" Scarlett interrupted.

" Pete okay?" I asked after her.

"Oh they're fine alright, it's the fact they were speaking like old buddies with the leaders!" Fals exclaimed.

Scarlett and myself shot a confused stare at the romance scam.

"Excuse you what?" I bluntly said.

"That's right your buddies are fucking betraying you behind your back for money~" Fals purred at the last two words.

"Stop bullshitting me okay? Peter wouldn't- I mean he is nice- okay I can't even defend him...I want to say I'm shocked...but I just really am not surprised" my voice was for once quiet.

Glancing at Scarlett, she returned the gaze. Just looking into her eyes, I could see the same emotions I felt swim in her eyes.



But mostly

Pure livid anger.

Pracy softly held my shoulder, giving it a small 'I am sorry' pat.

"I just...I don't get it!" my voice now began to raise; "Does he think he can just deal with the enemy and expect us not to neck him right there and then? Because when I see that bastard one more time...I swear...I SWEAR I WILL FUCKING RING HIS NECK LIKE A FARMER RINGS A TURKEYS" I yelled, trying to get the the negative emotion out of my system.

"Glenna, calm down. I promise you, when we get him, you can do it" Kastet gave me small nod as his last word came out making an inaudible sigh leave my mouth.

"I'm going for a drink downstairs" I muttered, grabbing my jacket and walking towards the door.

"You going alone?" I heard someone say, unsure who the voice belonged to I just answered anyway.

"No" was the statement "Tino and Lukas are down there" I took a view over my shoulder before leaving through the door.


"Man, she's already lost trust in most people and now them two had to fuck shit up even more" Scarlett started.

"I think the worst part is the fact she stresses a lot over these situations, when we lose people from our side to the enemy" Pracy added.

"Well...ever since that happened then I am not judging her" Kastet also said.

"You mean when Glenna's finally was back together with her Brother, Ian?" Fals asked.

"And then after what? like 3 weeks after they found eachother, the only blood related family she ever had after we took her in got shot by his best friend right infront of her eyes, bless her" Scarlett finished.

"And the fact his best friend was working for Kris" Fals shook his head.

"Woah woah woah, I didn't know that!" Scarlett's jaw slightly dropping.

"Don't tell her that! She cannot know that, her parents were killed by them already...she doesn't need to know that her one and only brother got killed by them too" Kastet spoke in a hushed tone.

Scarlett nodded, understanding.

"Poor wonder she's got some of the problematic things..." Fals finished it with them all agreeing.

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