Part 16

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"KIM KIBUM SHE IS 16 YEARS OLD, HOLD THE FUCK UP" was the first words I heard from the driver himself.

"But I can't contain myself Jonghyun, she's just so teasing in she's legal where she's from" Key stated matter of factly.

"Not in this country though" Jonghyun let out an annoyed sigh.

I kept trying my keep a distance between Key and I, not that I didn't find him attractive or anything, if anything he was really attractive to the point that he shouldn't be real but thinking to the fact that also SHINee was in this business unsettled me. If they're in it then who else?

I knew Amber before she debuted so that didn't surprise me to see her...but why is it mostly the artists of SM-

"Oh my god" I mumbled, making Key look at my face instead of my legs.
I immediately shut my mouth, before I blurted out anything. I need to tell Scarlett this.

* * * *

"Suit up, you'll be staying under my supervision~" Key smirked, leading my still strained body down the hallways of a building.

"I'd rather eat a slug than stay with you" I glared at the wall, pulling away from him once again.

"Ouch" his chuckle was kinda seductive, and it was kinda really sexy.

"Urgh, get lost...where's Scarlett?" A bitch face settled as I pulled away like before.

"Ah, don't worry you won't be seeing her until the call up, but she's in good hands with Minho" he said, opening a door and not even lightly pushing me past the entrance.

The door seemed to go into an apartment which looked quite expensive, like one of those apartments you'd see in a music video...or on google images. The living room came first, the kitchen was attached and open making it seem like it was apart of the living space, to the left was a small corridor which probably led to the bathroom and bedroom, to the right was a balcony with a really nice view.

"Ew, I don't wanna be in here...with you" my hands began rubbing together in attempt to get out of the handcuffs, yet instead my right hand accidentally slipped and I fortuitously stroked whatever what was behind my hands.

Suddenly I gasped and cringed in distate as he moaned.

Oh god no, please tell it was not what I think it was...

"Why do you do this to me?" his breath was right by my ear.

"sicko" my eyes automatically rolled, this happened before and it was the weirdest situation I've been in as I was 13 at that time; thinking about those times made me shiver, those were dark times, no one wants to remember their 13 year old self...its cringey, even for someone in the mafia.

"Ah, here we go~ this is where you'll be staying until I'm told otherwise" Key un-cuffed one of my hands, but locked his strong hand around it, not even giving me time to throw a smack to his face.
He let go of my free wrist, but followed by a click, I knew he just cuffed to the headboard. Great.

"Hm, it's late...I'll let you rest for a bit" he winked at me, leaving the room and closing the door behind him; it was just me for once.

After silently trying to escpae the handcuffs, I gave up in about 2 hours, not understanding how these handcuffs worked. They seemed to be specially made through a lock with a 4 pladed key which didn't even exist in England and I just simply couldn't crack it.

"Urgh, might aswell go to sleep..." I muttered to no-one but my own presence.

"But if I fall asleep, god knows what that freak will do" I sighed, images of what his body began flooding my mind making my face feel hot.

"But I bet he has a well fit body" I laughed a bit, trying to entertain myself, however I felt my eyelids begin to grow heavy and falling ever so slightly down.
I didn't even fight my tiredness and let my mind be consumed by sleep.

He's probably good in bed too.

* * *

My eyes fluttered open, coming into vision was just a dark room, but I felt something brush on my stomach.
Ignoring it, I put it as my top just brushing against my skin and let my eyes adjust to the blinding black surroundings.

That's when I froze.

Something brushed against my stomach again, and this time I was certain it was not my top.
I gasped as I felt the band of my pants rise a bit, making me buck my whole body up in defense, my right leg kicking up. Nonetheless I had no avail as a hand grabbed my leg, stopping it from hitting his lower regions and a low chuckle sliced through the silence.

My eyes stared at the figure infront of me, now fully adjusted to the dark.

"That isn't very nice" he mockingly stated.

"Waking up with trash touching you isn't either" I replied, a small hint of sass could be heard.

Key growled the tiniest bit, pinning my legs down to the bed. I pulled my arms forward but got held back by the handcuffs, I kept pulling and tugging on them.

"...shit" I grumbled, key smirking at my attempts.

"Aw, the famous assassin is defenseless and stuck, what a sight" he laughed, before his eyes gazed right into my eyes; for some reason I couldn't look away.

"...what a sight" he repeated, breathing heavily, crawling up towards my face.

Not even gonna lie, but I was in pure shock and horror, I might be part of something thats against every law but that does not mean I am not a Virgin and I certainly didn't want to lose that now with him.

Okay that was a lie, totally would do him. However, this didn't mean I wouldn't put up a fight. I thrashed about again, trying to stop him from getting anything, throwing my legs around but once again it didn't work. Key was straddling my stomach, before slowly leaning in towards my face, until he was about 3cm away from it.

His eyes flickered down to my lips, back up to my eyes and with that, he closed the gap between us. I froze and tried to pull away but he grabbed the sides of my face with one hand and kept it in place, after a few seconds I gave in and boy did it feel good.

He kept deeping the kiss further, making me literally melt. This was all new since I never did anything with any of my ex's but I liked it...alot.

Key pulled away slowly before going in for more, mumbling something before smashing his lips on mine again.

"You're mine tonight"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Here is part 16! ^-^

I am literally laughing so much tbh cause this was so vivid in my mind and I had to write it down ;-;

Oh well ~

I know that the Mc is 16 BUT I am not indicating anything bad. This is literally just because it's mafia!au and in the mafia there really isnt many rules but anyway, I hope you enjoyed it^-^

See ya next time


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