Chapter 1-5

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Chapter 738: The Story of Ling and Heng (1)

"Go away!"

Feng Ling suddenly kicked away the two doctors around her sickbed, but when she tried to get up, she fell back to the bed because of the tranquilizer injected into her body.

Seeing her so stubborn, a doctor said to the other,

"This kid doesnt accept treatment despite her injuries. How can a kid with such a temper like her survive in the orphanage? You took her in out of kindness, but I dont think she appreciates you at all.

The director of an international orphanage in Los Angeles didnt speak. After a while, she looked at the kid on the bed who was only seventeen years old and mused.

This kid was a member of an underground gang eliminated by American police half a month ago. She was still a kid and also an orphan.

According to the gangsters, this kid was named Feng Ling who was discovered by their leader in a wolf cave in the mountains. When he was discovered, he couldnt even speak but only howled like a wolf. He was raised by wolves since he was born and then taken away by their leader when he was five. He was trained into a weapon. He was a kid, so their enemies wouldnt guard against him. He was as quick, decisive, and ruthless as a wolf, so he was much trusted by their leader although he was so young.

It was just because he was still a kid that after knowing how he was brought up, the police thought he became a gangster just because of the environment he grew up and he was not bad in nature, so they didnt list him as a criminal but sent him into an orphanage.

When Feng Ling was sent here, his body was covered with injuries. However, if the doctor didnt give him a tranquilizer, he might have dismantled the room.


One year later.

Feng Ling felt something was wrong and suddenly opened his eyes, only to see a little girl in a pink dress standing beside his bed with a curious look on her face, holding a flower in her hand, and staring at him with a blushed face.

In a trance, Feng Ling moved his hand and felt that the doctor didnt inject her much tranquilizer this morning.

After a year of drug control, she didnt have any extra energy every day, except to get up to eat and walk. That was the idea of the director of the orphanage. She allowed her to stay here but deprived her of any energy to cause trouble. She was left alone in a dark, depressing room where she could only see the stars through the small lattice windows.

"Brother Feng Ling, why do you sleep alone in your little room every day?"

The little girl beside her bed grew up in the orphanage and was only sixteen or seventeen, but she seemed to be awakened interest in the opposite sex. When she looked at Feng Ling, her watery eyes were full of expectation.

Feng Ling ignored her and got off the bed.

Feng ling had always lived alone in the room and was used to the darkness. She looked into the mirror.

The boy in the mirror was tall and slender. Although he was only 18 years old, he looked much taller than many of his peers. His face was fair and cool and his eyes were even brighter than the stars outside the window.

His disheveled, inky short hair made him look a bit decadent, and he shook his head casually, making it instantly look supple.

The little girl was almost fascinated by him.

Feng Ling was the best-looking boy in the orphanage but didnt like to meet other people or make friends.

Whether he was having a meal or being called to a group class by a teacher of the orphanage, he would sit in a corner, cold, quiet, and unapproachable. The boys all hated him because almost all the girls liked to sneak glances at him. Even though he was bad-tempered, the girls always looked for a chance to get close to him, though they got a cold disregard every time.

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