Chapter 296-300

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Chapter 1033: The Story of Ling and Heng (296)

Li Nanheng did not speak.

The head coach continued: "She never gave me any answers when I asked about her past; she only said that those weren't good memories. At the time, I was more curious about how she came to be this skilled at her young age. She refused to tell us anything; she even told us to call her Ah Ling. To all of us here, Ah Ling is a mystery that is difficult to solve. However, because she's truly capable and the boss treasures talents, she was kept until now despite her secretive character."

"Whenever there's a holiday, be it a Western holiday or the Chinese Spring Festival, I discovered that she's always alone. She spends all her time by herself, and she never celebrates any holiday. She hasn't even mentioned her birthday once. She comes to work on time and leaves on time every day, but she doesn't make any attempt to communicate with people. Now that we're slightly more familiar with each other, she speaks to me occasionally but only about work. She doesn't even mention anything that doesn't work."

"If it wasn't for Mr. Li's appearance, I could never have fathomed that this young lady belonged to the XI Base."

"Now that I've learned about her past, I find things even more strange. Why did she leave XI Base? And towards you... who used to be her boss, why is her attitude so cold? Where did all of her defenses and concealed wounds come from? Was it you?"

Li Nanheng sat up. He stared forward in heavy silence and said lightly: "Are we done fighting? Can I leave now?"

The head coach turned to him and suddenly chuckled lightly. "She's a mystery that none of us can solve. Or perhaps, you're the only one who understands her. I wish you good luck."

Li Nanheng did not answer as he left the place.

On the way back, he drove the car past its speed limit to return to Feng Ling's place. As he stood before her door, he knew without guessing that the woman had locked the door from inside again.

Li Nanheng was about to head next door when he suddenly paused in his footsteps. The air seemed to contain remnants of a strange scent; although it was faint, its presence was extremely prominent.

The man's gaze flitted onto the footprint on the ground and onto the ajar entrance leading to the stairwell.

10 minutes ago.

After showering, Feng Ling heard someone knocking on her door incessantly but was too lazy to respond. She glanced at the apartment next door and saw that the lights were still off. She guessed that Li Nanheng must have returned after his fight with the head coach. She wasn't sure if he had won or lost. If he had won, he came to show off. If he had lost, then he came to vent his anger. Either way, he wouldn't come with any good intentions. Thus, she could not be bothered to open the door for him.

However, she gradually got frustrated with the incessant knocking and suspected that Li Nanheng must have gotten drunk. She approached the door impatiently and swung the door open. "Li Nanheng, let me warn you..."

Before she could finish speaking, the three unfamiliar men standing outside her door caused her to instinctively raise her guards. Li Nanheng was the only one who knew of her apartment and would come visit at such a time. She had opened the door out of frustration and was completely caught unprepared. By the time she subconsciously tried to shut the door, the three men had already rushed forward. They held her shoulders down, and as she began to struggle, one of the men slammed her door shut and pressed a damp towel against her nose.

The instant the strange scent entered her nose, Feng Ling instinctively tried to hold her breath. However, she still breathed in a little of it and her vision immediately began to spin. The three-man held her limbs down and pressed the towel firmly against her nose. No matter how much training Feng Ling had received, after around three minutes, she still had no choice but to take a deep breath in.

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