Chapter 46-50

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Chapter 783: The Story of Ling and Heng (46)

When Feng Ling heard his words, she did not appear flustered at all. Instead, she smiled calmly and reached up to tug aside her collar slightly. She pointed at the white fabric inside: "This is the bulletproof vest Drillmaster Han distributed to me during my participation in the riskier missions. Since there'll be an evaluation on our shooting skills today, I was worried there would be any mistakes or danger. I'm still young, it's better to treasure my life. So I thought it's better to put on my bulletproof vest. Don't you think it's very well-fitted?"

He watched as Feng Ling naturally tugged her shirt down by quite a bit. After a careful glance, he confirmed that she was really wearing a bulletproof vest.

When he glanced further down, although her shirt wasn't fully tugged down, from this angle, her chest also appeared flat. Clearly, it was completely different from his hallucination.

Although he strongly felt that, what he had touched yesterday... was definitely not a hallucination...

But from the way things appeared, that was completely unrelated to Feng Ling.

Nanheng's complexion was heavy, mild, and unruffled. Feng Ling then neatened up her shirt and turned toward him composedly: "Boss, I'll definitely work hard during the long-range sniper assessment today. I won't let you down."

"En." At this moment, Nanheng was suddenly at a loss for words. He only made a sound of agreement and did not say more.

Feng Ling then nodded respectfully. She then said she was heading to the shooting range and turned to leave.

Finally, as Feng Ling's figure faded from his vision, Nanheng's expression became heavier and darker. He glanced upstairs in suspicion before looking in the direction of K's room.

Even if he drank too much last night, he couldn't have become muddle-headed to that extent. How did he manage to make such a mistake? How could he have gone to the wrong place?

More importantly, even if he didn't look for the wrong person, why did he come to look for Feng Ling in the middle of the night?


Was it really time to marry a woman and to correct his own desires?

Nanheng turned around with a cold expression. He abruptly noticed K who had just stepped out of his room. The moment K saw him, he seemed to have become a mouse who had noticed a nearby cat. He immediately shrunk back in fear.

It was as though last night, he was really almost forcefully taken.

Nanheng pursed his lips and headed downstairs with a cold expression.


It was currently spring in Los Angeles and rain was frequent. One moment, the sky was clear and bright and in the next, a heavy downpour appeared.

Within one day, the sky fluctuated several times. This was already the third bout of heavy downpour today.

At ten in the morning, the sniper selection assessment began. The assessment took up two hours and thirty people were separated into six groups. They were tested based on stamina, 100-meter shooting, shooting precision, movement shooting abilities, and five hundred meter shooting. Boss Li and the various drillmasters were all present. There were even leaders and instructors from America's SWAT team in attendance. They discussed the scores together and evaluated the performances from every angle. There would be absolutely no mistake in the scoring for this examination.

Long-range shooting from a five hundred meters distance was not something anyone would be able to achieve simply. It required sharp vision, keen senses, and the precision of one's shooting, all of which were equally important. Particularly, under circumstances where the enemy was moving rapidly, they needed to be able to make split-second decisions on how to shoot. For this, they needed to have a good perception, strong observational skills, and good deduction skills. Only by observing the enemy's movement, could they deduce where to fix the target of their bullet. Only then, they would be able to fire accurately.

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