Chapter 66-70

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Chapter 803: The Story of Ling and Heng (66)

Obey Boss's orders?

That meant that Boss would be accompanying them through the mission?

Since Feng Ling entered this base, this was the first time she would follow Boss Li out on a mission.


With a mission like this, it was impossible to have much time to rest. Boss Li only allowed Feng Ling a few hours to head back and prepare.

Before dawn, and before the sky even began to lighten, XI Base had already sounded out its signal to assemble.

Feng Ling had already changed into her bulletproof vest and attached a small, black, waterproof pouch to her waist. When she heard the signal, she immediately opened the door and walked out quickly.

Yet, the moment she stepped out, she found that Nanheng was already outside.

Nanheng's intercom was lit up at this moment. He glanced at her silently. He plucked his intercom off and said a few words into it before placing it down. He indicated for Feng Ling to follow him with his eyes, before turning around to leave.

"Boss, will we be heading to the mission location directly?" Feng Ling quickly followed.

"Gather at the parking apron first."

Nanheng then picked up his intercom once more and issued a command; every member participating in the mission this time was to gather at the parking apron. Feng Ling, who was following him closely, did not ask any more questions. Her expression was composed and serious as she headed in the same direction as him.

They quickly went around the training space and through the large path ahead of the conference room before finally arriving at the wide and open parking apron.

Although Feng Ling's adaptability was quite good, she had never participated in such an important and dangerous mission. Thus, it was especially important for her to comply with the Boss's and the other instructors' commands; she could not move on her own as she pleased.

She knew it was not the time to ask too many questions. However, this was her first time following all of the senior members and Boss Li out on a mission; her heartbeat was loud.

It was not because she was frightened. However, she did not know how to express the reasons behind her frantic heartbeat.

The parking apron was the largest piece of space in the base; it was only a short distance away from the base's signal tower.

Ten helicopters were parked neatly in the parking apron.

Nanheng raised his voice sternly: "Gather!"

All of the members gathered rapidly in front of the helicopters in a neat row.

At the same time, instructions from the base's lounge were given through their intercoms. By flying at the five o'clock position from the signal base through 150 kilometers, they would be able to arrive at F City's airspace quickly. Currently, Mr. Ted and his family were nearby. Their location could change anytime, and they would have to move quickly.

The first helicopter had already taken off and headed in the five o'clock direction. The second and third helicopters immediately followed; they stayed at a close distance to the first helicopter.

As Feng Ling was a newbie, and this was her first time participating in such a mission, to prevent any mistakes, she had to stay with the members who were the most experienced and capable. Thus she accompanied Han Jin, Qiao Fei, and Li Nanheng into the same helicopter.

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