Chapter 271-275

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Chapter 1008: The Story of Ling and Heng (271)

"Who else wanna have a try? You all look very confident. Come on!" Feng Ling looked at the students who got up from the ground and turned to look at the others.

This time, these people didn't dare to move anymore. Hesitating for a long time, someone came out.

It was Chen Beiqing who was courting Coach Ling. It was said that his family ran a bank in Boston and he was studying business administration at Harvard University and was about to graduate this year. He had been chasing Coach Ling for a whole year.

However, Coach Ling completely ignored him, giving him no chance at all, and he didn't even get permission to take her out for a meal.

Gee, Beiqin, are you asking for a beating?

She didn't agree to date you, so this time you want to trick her into beating you hard and feeling guilty to you?

Feng Ling looked at him expressionlessly. "Mr. Chen, are you sure?"

Chen Beiqing was currently 23 years old. He was studying at Harvard University, which was very close to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston. He had not yet graduated but had already obtained an MBA. He knew Feng Ling better than the others.

The reason was that when Feng Ling first came to work here, Chen Beiqing was kidnapped by a group of gangsters because of a dispute with his family's bank.

Feng Ling happened to walk past by the parking lot outside Harvard at that time, and he noticed those people sneaking at the white car. Out of her sensitivity to these gangsters, she immediately realized what they wanted to do.

She recognized the car number of the white limousine. It was the car of Mr. Chen who had just signed up at the martial arts club, so she got a bit more concerned. When the people were going to hijack the car, she stopped her car next to Chen Beiqing's car, rolled down the car window, and winked at Chen Beiqing, who hadn't noticed the danger. Reminded by her, Chen Beiqing noticed these gangsters through the rearview mirror, immediately backed his car, accelerated to hit the gangsters away, and then quickly drove away.

They launched a thrilling car chase on a road nearby. Those gangsters were not so easy to shake off. Although Chen Beiqing had no martial skills, he had good driving skills. He hesitated at first, because he didn't want to leave her behind, but later when he found that she seemed to be fine, he asked her to stop her car in the middle of the road to block these gangsters and he drove away quickly to call the police.

These gangsters were just a piece of cake to Feng Ling.

When the police arrived with Chen Beiqing, those gangsters were already lying on the ground badly battered. Before they could take out the guns in their pockets, Feng Ling had knocked them down.

Learning that it was a kidnapping case, the police took the gangsters away. Chen Beiqing finished communicating with the police and turned around, only to see that Feng Ling had gotten into her car and was about to leave. He immediately opened the door of the copilot seat and sat in.

Feng Ling looked at him in surprise. "What's up?"

"Why did you help me?" he asked.

Feng Ling said indifferently while fastening the seat belt, "Didn't you just sign up at our martial arts club? I have some impressions of you, so I gave you a hand."

"Just so? You know how dangerous these people are! I don't know you well. What if you are injured by them and I refuse to take any responsibility?"

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