Chapter 156-160

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Chapter 893: The Story of Ling and Heng (156)

Since that year, when she was five years old, after being brought out of that wolf's den, she never cried a single drop of tear.

She could no longer remember what it was like to cry.

The last time it happened, she vaguely remembered being around three years old. The starving pain had brought her to tears. At the time, she had been skinny and shriveled. She never had enough food and could not understand much due to her young age. Every time she failed to find food, she would cry.

Afterward, she gradually forgot how to cry.

However, right now, there was a burning heat in the corner of her eyes.

Even though it was just a thin layer of callus on her palm, to Feng Ling, it was much more sensitive than anywhere else. She wanted to tug her hand back, but the man held her wrist tightly. His kiss lasted on her palm for a long moment, and as Feng Ling finally stopped struggling, he slowly kissed down her palm toward her wrist. He brushed past her pulse, and as he felt her heavy heartbeat, he left kiss after kiss over her skin.

Finally, the man's kiss returned to her lips.

Feng Ling immediately fisted the sheets under her palms. Her toes curled in tightly.

She felt as though she was submerged in a tsunami. Her rationality had burnt away during that instant. Although the remnants of her instincts reminded her that she could not allow this to continue, that she needed to push him away, the man's warmth was lingering on her palm. His earlier gaze had been cherishing in a way she had never seen before.

Could a child raised by a wolf-like her be one day cherished by someone?

She could throw everything aside to ensure she would have a warm meal, a warm blanket to hide in, and a life to hold onto. Could someone like her also be cared for gently?

Could she also be treated as a woman, to have someone else's heartache for her, and to be doted on?

Even a thin layer of callus; was there someone who would treat it as a mark of her hard work and struggle? Was there someone who would understand and ache for her?

She wasn't sure what emotions had influenced her thoughts. She did not move again. The thought that someone could enter their tent anytime completely left her. As the man moved incessantly, she gripped the sheets tightly. Her mind spun with everything that she was experiencing.


As she bit her lips in pain, the man's burning heat caused her to suck in a breath. However, she was unable to make any noise. She endured all of the pain and swallowed back her cries.


The alcohol was burning hot.

Their desire was also burning hot.

Their body temperature was equally heated.

The love and hatred born from their years of conflict in the base were all awakened.

Inside the tent, under the faint light, the curtain would occasionally flutter when the cold wind brushed past it. The little window was completely covered.

The man's fever had yet to reduce. No matter how he moved, he did not sweat. However, Feng Ling's forehead was already covered in sweat.

She gripped his shoulders tightly and suddenly felt a sense of loss and helplessness. Now that things had developed to this stage, she did not know how they should continue. However, she instinctively held onto his neck and breathed in the strong scent of alcohol on his body.

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