A Friendly Warning (Hunter x Reader)

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

'Bloody Emperors Coven, bloody scouts everywhere. Makes it almost impossible to even go shopping' I internally groan, walking through the downtown areas of Bonesborough. I turn down an alley, heading towards my humble abode.

'STOP!' A voice from behind me called out.

I turn around and see non other than the teenage prodigy himself, the great Golden Guard, dumb mask and all.

'Just my luck' I internally groan. 'What do you want Hunter?'

'STOP CALLING ME THAT (Y/N)! IM THE GOLDEN GUARD! *ehem* and in the name of the Emperors Coven, you are under arrest for the use of wild magic as well as refusing to join a Coven'

'Oh, is that all?'

'What'd you mean 'is that all?' You're under arrest, come quietly or I'll have to use force' he threatened but I wasn't at all phased by his claims.

'Riiiiiight' I drew out my word as I drew a small spell circle with my foot. The spell causes a vine to snatch Hunter's mechanical staff away and into my hands. 'Good luck with that when you can't use magic'

'You and me both know I couldn't beat you even with my staff' he sighs.

'Yeah, we do know that. So why did you bother coming down here?'

'Join the Emperor's Coven' he says, waking up to me.

'No' I answer with no hesitation, walking off in the other direction.

'Why not?' He whines, chasing after me.

'Cause your uncle and 90% of the people you work with are insane' I casually say, continuing moving forward.

'No they're not!' He defends.

'Exhibit one, the Emperor himself. Eats Palisman to stay alive'

'Wait how do you know about that-'

'Exhibit two, Kikimora. Is jealous of you having higher status than her, is paranoid as hell and has tried to kill you on multiple occasions'


'Exhibit three, the guards. Practically an army of useless brainwashed clones. Except Steve, I respect Steve'

'Ok I get it!' He yells out, stopping in his tracks. 'I get it, the Covens are a little messed up, the Emperor's Coven especially. But good witches are getting hurt because they refuse to join a coven, I don't want that to happen to you (Y/N)'

I stop walking, the sincerity in his words undeniable.

'I... appreciate the concern Hunter' I say, turning to face him. 'But... I'd be losing so much of myself if I was limited to one kind of magic and there's no way in hell joining the Emperor. You already knew that, so why did you really come all the way down here?'

To my surprise, he took his mask off to look me in the eye.

'Something's coming, something bad. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to you (Y/N). So please, just stay outta trouble'

'Me? Out of trouble? Not possible'

'(Y/N), I'm serious. The day of Unity is coming and even though the Emperor refuses to tell me what it actually is, it can't be good for wild witches. You need to stay safe'

'I-thanks Hunter, or sorry Golden Guard'

'Hunter's fine'

'Soooooooo is that all or are you gonna go now?'

'Well I kinda need my staff back'

'Say please'

'What? I come all the way out here to warn you and this is how you thank me?'

'Yup, now say please'

'Urg fine. May I please have my staff back (Y/N)'

'Yeah sure' I smile, tossing it back to him. 'And thanks Hunter, I really mean it'

'Anytime. Byeeeee' he says before disappearing with his staff.


As usual I hope that you're all drinking enough water, getting enough sleep and most of all, staying positive!

That's all from me so cya later mates 😁

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