Twenty Five

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So the games had begun. The Scooby gang had set off to some random island in Canada to find the almighty cure. Usually, Ada wouldn't even care, but recently, she'd been kind of feeling like a shitty sister. She'd known about the cure for so long and had never asked Caroline if she wanted to take it, god knows her friends probably didn't ask, too busy with Elena. Caroline even stayed behind with Tyler while everyone went to that island, which made Ada get a dreadful feeling in her stomach.

How could she have never thought about Caroline?

For wanting to protect her sister so much, she wasn't doing a very good job.

Which, was why she had taken some initiative. Apparently, Bonnie had locked Klaus in a cage at the Gilbert house, and Caroline was there to make sure he didn't somehow escape. So the plan was to guard him with her, maybe have a quick heart to heart, then go home and take a long ass nap, because Ada was perpetually tired.

Bounding up the steps of the Gilbert porch, Ada was kind of surprised to see the door wide open. Softly, she knocked on the door "hello? Anyone home?"

"I'm the kitchen!" She heard Caroline call, mumbling something after that Ada couldn't make out, she was probably talking to Tyler

Entering one foot at a time, the floorboards creaked in the house, something was off. Energy bounded off the walls like something crazy had happened. And whatever had happened, it was bad, the energy was angry.

Hesitantly Ada continued, her boots making a clunking sound every time they touch the floor. Once she stepped into the kitchen doorway, she saw the horrible scene that had unfolded.

Kol's charred body lay on the floor, grey with perturbing veins, cold as ice. An original was dead. It was his magic that invaded the house, all the power he had running free. What the hell had Caroline done? It took Ada a second, but she pried her eyes away from the body, to Klaus. He stood right against, what Ada assumed was where the barrier was. He stared directly at the carcass of his brother, a tear sliding down his face, rage in his eyes.

Ada's heart had felt like someone had hit it with a sledgehammer, smashing it into a million like pieces. "What the hell happened?" Ada snapped, turning her attention to Caroline

"What the fuck is this?" Anger danced in Ada's eyes, she felt like she wanted to rip the world apart, she would rip the world apart if it meant never seeing him like that again. Caroline shrugged like this was all nothing "Elena and Jeremy killed him, they needed to complete the hunters mark to find the cure" scoffing when she saw the anger in Ada's eyes

"What are you so worked up about? It's not that big of a deal"

"Not that big of a deal?" Ada's voice rose "you just killed thousands of people to get stupid fucking Elena her stupid fucking cure!"

"He was a psycho! We only killed vampires Ada, you need to calm down" Caroline stated like Ada was a fragile object that would break at any moment

"How dense can you be?" Caroline's causal demeaned vanished at the insult "you are a vampire! You have no idea who those people were, what if they were trying to be good? How do you get to decide who's life is less important than everyone else's!" Ada shouted, glancing back at Klaus, who looked like he wasn't even registering what they were saying

"Like your any better!" Caroline shouted back "you want to kill anyone who annoys you! At least we had a cause!"

"A fucking selfish cause! Sorry to break it to you but there are more people on earth than you and your stupid fucking friends" Ada looked down at Kol "and you just left Klaus's brother's dead body in front of him, you pride yourself on being a good vampire, where's your fucking human decency!"

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