Chapter 15

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*In the previous chapter.*

"I want to crush and rip them apart. I no longer want to be a Pokemon Master! My first responsibility is to crush and tear them apart ", Ash replied with an evident look of rage in his eyes.

"You're on the correct path now," muttered Master, grinning.


Ash was so enraged that he didn't hear what Master had just said.

"Now Ash, your full power will be released, and your actual training will begin!" Master whispered knowingly.

"Now! Ash! Go to sleep! Your proper training will begin tomorrow! ", Master said emphatically.

"I honestly meant by this strictness only!" Ash smirked coldly.

"Ash, take this!" Master said.

Master presented Ash with a mega ring and a green scarf. The mega ring represents Ash's keystone, while the green scarf represents Pidgeot's Mega stone, Pidgeotite. Ash accepted it with a smile, his eyes hidden under his cap.

Following that, Ash and Master returned.

Jack was standing there with his Pokemon, feeding them. He heard some rustling in the bushes. He expected to see some Pokemon emerge from the bush, but instead, he saw Master and Ash emerge from there. When Jack looked at Ash's face, he noticed that he was not sad. However, there was grief on Ash's face, but it was not visible since Ash had kept his half-face hidden by the shadow of his cap.

"Ash, are you feeling better now?" Jack inquired.

"Yes," Ash murmured, but Jack could hear him. His statements made it clear that he was depressed and angry.

"Pika...," Pikachu replied, a little worried, knowing what Ash had just said to Master.

"I'm going to sleep in the woods as soon as I feed my Pokemon, Jack. And I don't want to eat, so please don't make me ", Ash remarked coldly and seriously.

"All right," Jack answered, worried.

He walked back to the woods to sleep after feeding all of his Pokemons.

He went to the top of the tree to sleep, but then he began to weep. His heart began to beat rapidly as a result of his intense melancholy, and he began to have chest pain.

"Pikachu, do you recall what mum said about us starting our adventure first?"

"Pika..." murmured Pikachu, his voice melancholy. He then crept inside Ash's jacket and began to sob silently.

Pikachu was sleeping on a branch of a tree when Ash patted him.

"I understand how you feel... I know you treated her as if she were your mother. Pikachu I-I-I..."As he said this, Ash burst out crying as he remembered his mother.

"I... I... I simply want to meet her, Pikachu. At least for the time being. At the very least ", Ash replied before burying his face in his hands and sobbing uncontrollably. Pikachu, too, began weeping. They were like brothers who were grieving the loss of their mother.

Because they were both uncomfortable on the tree's limb, Ash and Pikachu hopped off. Then Ash and Pikachu sat on a nearby stone, and Pikachu climbed on Ash's head. Both attempted to forget the incident, but they were unable to do so. Tears began to fall from his eyes. His other Pokemons, Charizard, Lucario, Blastoise, Ivysaur, and Pidgeot, also emerged from their Pokeballs and hugged their trainer to make him feel better.

"Thank you for your time, but you should go to sleep. We shall begin our advanced training the next day. Not to become a Pokemon Master, but to become the UNKNOWN WARRIOR who will destroy all Evil organizations. MY FACE AND APPEARANCE WILL BE UNKNOWN TO THE WORLD. MY POWER WOULD BE THE ONLY THING THE WORLD REMEMBER!! ", Ash shouted, his tone shifting from sorrowful to anger. His eyes turn bright crimson with rage. All of Ash's Pokemon were taken aback when they saw this side of him. They'd never seen Ash that enraged before.

"You're all going to sleep now. Tomorrow might be a difficult day for you all ", Ash stated as he summoned all of his Pokemons to their individual Pokeballs.

He then sat down and slept under the tree.

*The next morning*

Ash awoke early in the morning and headed to the hills with Pikachu and his other Pokemons to practice. Then he and all his Pokemons began to concentrate on some stones. Then there was a loud explosion sound coming from Ash's back, where there were hills. He then noticed several workmen. They just disregarded them, but after a while, they heard another loud explosion nearby.

"I'm sure they're not mining," Ash added.

Ash's Pokemons nodded in agreement.

"What do you guys think, must we go there?" Ash questioned his Pokemons.

All of his Pokemon agreed with his trainer.

"Pidgeot, could you give me a ride there?"

Pidgeot nodded in agreement.

"Guys, relax in your Pokeballs until we get there," Ash stated, calling all of his Pokemons, except Pidgeot, into their individual Pokeballs. He was attempting to be calm to move on from his mother's death.


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