Chapter 26

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*In the previous chapter.*

"What was that?" shouted Lysander, stunned.

Then everyone turned to look towards the direction of the attack, and what they saw startled them. A Shiny Moltres approached and landed gently there. Then a young boy jumped over to it.

"Well, I think you are Lysander, the one Ash mentioned."


"So, you've arrived," Lysander stated.

"Yes. And I don't think you're doing well, so I'm here to put a stop to it! Typhlosion, come on out ", said Jack, his voice tense.


"Burn both Zygardes with Eruption!" Jack ordered.

"No, Zygardes, stop that Pokemon with the vines," Lysander stated calmly.

Typhlosion was entangled and squeezed by the vines before he could use eruption. It was terrible for him since the vines were spiked.

"The taste of this is good, huh?" said Lysander, who burst out laughing. "You will not be able to beat me."

Then, all of a sudden, Alain directed his Charizard to use Dragon claw on those vines to cut them, allowing Jack's Typhlosion to be freed. Charizard obeyed, and Typhlosion was freed from the vines. He adopted a combat posture once more and growled at the Zygardes.

"Sir, you must return to base! There's a problem with the machines ", stated one of Lysander's staff.

"I don't think I'd be able to watch the devastation *sighed* Well, there are a lot more important things to do, so never mind," Lysander muttered as he boarded the chopper and set off towards their base.

"Hey! What are you doing? Moltres, chase them! "Moltres ran to the helicopter to attack it but was hit by a Dragon pulse thrown by one of the Zygardes. He then collapsed on the ground.

"Moltres!" shouted Jack, as he dashed to the edge of Prism Tower to see where Moltres had fallen.

"Where's Ash?" Alain inquired, approaching him.

"I told him, and he will be here at any time," Jack said.

"Waiting for him, huh?" Celosia inquired.

"It's none of your concern!" said Alain.

While this was going on, the other champions were fighting Team Flare's other grunts while the others were rescuing people from the vines.

"What's your name?" Alain inquired.


"Your Moltres need your help ", Alain said.

Then Jack climbed aboard Salamence, who carried him away to the base of the tower.

When he arrived at the ground, he discovered Moltres entangled in the vines.

"Steelix, come on out and use your iron tail to free Moltres!" Jack cried, tossing a Pokeball in the air.

The Pokeball sprung open, revealing a Steelix who had already charged his iron tail. Then he stuck his tail on those vines and cut them, freeing Moltres.

"Hey, Moltres, are you all OK?"

Moltres nuzzled and nodded at Jack.

"All right now..." started Jack, but he was cut off by a phone call. It was sent by Ash.

"How's everything going?" Ash inquired over the phone.

"Lysander gained control of both Zygardes and attacked us. Fortunately, some of your friends are here to help you, but I can't stop those legendaries from attacking me."

"Is Lysander present?"

"He's in there on his base."

"I'll be there... I have an unfinished job with him that I need to fulfil ", Ash stated angrily before hanging up the phone.

"Okay, then we'll have to fight them till Ash arrives. Is it all right? ", Jack said to his Pokemons.

"Let's go!" Jack said, summoning Steelix in his Pokeball. He then got on Moltres, and the two of them flew to the top of Prism Tower to battle the legendaries.

*With Ash after hanging up the call.*

"Pikachu! We have to get to Geosenge! Lysander is there ", Ash explained. "Now I shall take my revenge!" said Ash, enraged. His eyes began to glow crimson with rage (If you're wondering why his eyes turn red with rage, it's because of his aura.)

"Pikachuuu!!" said Pikachu, imitating his trainer's rage.

"Pikachu, can you call Pidgeot?" Ash said calmly, suppressing his anger.

Pikachu nodded and sent a tremendous thunderbolt into the air, which was so bright that anybody could see it from a long distance away. Pidgeot, who was helping the evacuation teams from a vine when she saw the flash of lightning, hurried to Ash since she knew Ash was calling her.

Pidgeot screamed "Pidgawww!" and landed gracefully in front of Ash.

"Can you give me a lift to Geosenge town?"

Pidgeot nodded in agreement, and Ash jumped on Pidgeot's back with Pikachu on his shoulder, heading to Geosenge town.

*After a 10-minute time jump, Ash arrived in Geosenge town thanks to Pidgeot's incredible speed.*

"So this is where Lysander is," Ash remarked while grinning.

"Pidgeot land there," Ash replied, pointing to a clearing in the woods. They landed there, and Ash summoned his Pidgeot.

"Come on out, Lucario!" said Ash as he released Lucario from his Pokeball.

"We've arrived, Lucario... Now we may take our revenge! ", Ash explained.

"Yes, Master, now we'll show them who we are..." Lucario stated telepathically.

*After an hour, with Jack and others.*

"We can't get enough of them! Those two are far more strong than the rest of us ", Alain explained.

"No! We must not give up! If we did, the entire Kalos would be at risk! ", Jack explained.

"You sound a much like Ash... How long did you spend with him? ", Alain inquired.

"We've been together for three years..." remarked Jack, surprising Alain.

"Hey! Can you two concentrate on the battle? ", Lance remarked as he and his Gyarados and Dragonite battled a vine.

Then there was a loud explosion... It was caused by legendaries landing direct hits on their Pokemons, causing them to struggle to stand on their knees.

"Typhlosion!", "Charizard!", "Gyarados!", "Dragonite!" Everyone present called for their Pokemons in despair.

"Charizard, can you get up?" Alain inquired, concerned.

Charizard growled as he stared at the legendaries, then nodded in agreement.

"Great. Now that sh...", Alain said but was cut off by a Pokemon's voice from above. It was a kind of Altaria.

"Altaria! Dragon pulse! "Serena, who was on top of Altaria, shouted. She came there on her Altaria after Ash left her in the outskirts of Lumiose.

Altaria launched her strike on those legendaries, but it was all for nothing to those ground snakes.

They then noticed helicopters approaching them.

"Lysander!" growled Alain angrily.

The chopper arrived, and Lysander and someone stepped out...


*Well how was the chapter, I think it was not so good as I was not writing while giving my 100% of imagination because I had already written this same chapter more than 2 times.
Anyway thanks to all who helped me...
Also, I can't promise but I must say that I'll try to make the next chapter a good one...
So see you in the next one till then...

Peace out.*

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