Chapter 18

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*In the previous chapter.*

"Ash, you don't know what part Serena plays in your life, but you'll find out soon," Master replied, smiling.

"But be careful, Ash. This will not be a child's play. This might end up... killing you."

"Pikachu... It is becoming late... Let's go to bed."

Pikachu gave a nod.

They both fell asleep near a tree there.


Ash and Jack, as well as all of their Pokemon, awoke early in the morning. Jack summoned his Riolu to train him, while Ash summoned his Lucario because it was his first day of aura training.

"Ash! Jack! Are you prepared to begin your aura training?"

"Yes, Master!" said the two in unison.

All of their Pokemons screamed out in unison.

"But first, please accept it," Master replied, handing them a necklace with an Arceus insignia.

"What is this?" Jack said as he examined the symbol.

"If you don't already know, this is the symbol of Arceus, the god of this universe. The one who created the entire cosmos."

Ash and Pikachu giggled as Jack opened his eyes in awe.

"Put it on. It's a sign of good luck ", Master said.

They wore it without saying a word, unaware that they were wearing a symbol for something far in the future.

"Now, let's begin!"

*Here's a summary of their training throughout the day.*

Then Master made them and all of their Pokemons run down the hill, then back up twice already exhausting them, then he instructed them to fight along with their pokemons so they could feel the pain of the attacks their pokemons took. The two and their Pokemon lost all remaining power as a result. In the near future, Jack was not as important as Ash, so he was allowed to rest. Once the Pokemon fainted, they were allowed to rest, but not Ash. Ash had to face the attacks individually. When his pokemons saw their trainer get bruised and cut, they couldn't help but be mad, but Ash told them not to get angry as it was for a much more serious future crisis. Jack is also concerned when he sees his best friend in that situation. It was now night, and the final part of their training had begun, which was seeing through Aura, which Lucario demonstrated to Ash and his Lucario. They worked on it till late at night.

"Jack, Ash. This was the first day of Aura training for you. Now you should go relax. Tomorrow will be considerably more difficult."

"All right, Master."

After that, Ash and Jack retired to the cabin to sleep.

Jack fell asleep easily in the cabin since he was exhausted. However, Ash was unable to sleep. Pikachu as well.



"Do you have any clue why I and Jack are going to prepare for the approaching future war?"

"Pi Pikachu," Pikachu answered, shaking his head.

"I'll ask Master tomorrow why we're the only ones who will do this," Ash replied, to which Pikachu nodded.

Ash suddenly remembered the day he, Dawn, Brock, and Sheena parted ways with Arceus in the Sinnoh region's Michina city.



Arceus was visited by Ash, Dawn, and Brock.

"This world of yours is truly a magnificent place," Arceus replied.

"It is!" Ash and Pikachu exclaimed as Dawn and Brock nodded in agreement.

Arceus then flew away from the earth.

"Now, in this great world, I have finally come to understand that I am truly a part of this," Arceus stated.

"You are!" said Ash.

"Goodbye Arceus... Thank you very much ", Ash yelled, waving his hand.

Arceus called Ash before departing for his personal dimension.

"Ash... Please keep in mind what you need to accomplish in the future." Then Arceus entered his dimension by opening the door.

*End of Flashback.*

Ash regained consciousness and abruptly awoke.

"Pikapi?" Pikachu inquired, concerned.

"Pikachu! Do you remember Michina and our encounter with Arceus? ", Ash said. Pikachu agreed with a nod.

"Remember what Arceus told us before he parted."

"Pika?" Pikachu inquired, but then recalled what Ash had told him to remember.

"He advised us to keep in mind what we needed to accomplish in the future... That's exactly what Master told us!"


"So there must be a connection between them, or they were talking about the same issue," Ash pondered.

Although Ash and Pikachu were unaware, the Arceus emblem was shining weakly.

"I'm surely going to question Master about this," Ash stated before falling asleep with Pikachu.

*Next Morning.*

Ash awoke early so that he might question Master about his worry. Master was sitting by the campfire on the camp. When Ash and Pikachu arrived at Master's back, Ash moved his hand forward to Master's shoulder, but suddenly Master straightened up and turned to face Ash.

"I know what you're thinking, Ash."

"If you know, please let me know."

Then Master stroked Ash's forehead with the palm of his hand, and Ash had a little vision of the war that would take place in the future.

Ash initially noticed Giratina, Dialga, and Palkia unconscious. Then he spotted Arceus, whose body had been severely radiated and had all of his life plates vanished. Leon and his Charizard lay asleep on a reddish-pink battleground. Goh, Serena, and Jack also lay down with terrible wounds and bruises, and we're bleeding profusely. Their Pokemons were knocked out on the battlefield. Then he noticed that he was on the top of the Hammerlocke gym and an evil voice came from behind, "You are gone, Ketchum!"

The vision was cut short as Master took his hand away from Ash's brow. Ash's eyes widened in terror. He was terrified, terrified of the future.

"Pikachu..." murmured Pikachu, concerned.

"If you observed it, you are the only one who can put a stop to it. If you fail, it will result in the destruction of several regions. Arceus will also fail in his role as a god by failing to rescue humanity."

"If this is the future, Master, please train me. Push me to my limits. At the very least, I'll be able to save my friends from the devastation... My only family ", muttered Ash, who began with rage and determination but quickly became overwhelmed by emotions and tears welled up in his eyes. He began to cry silently.

"Sure, I'll do it. That's exactly what fate wants to do. So, prepare yourself, Ash Ketchum, because the training in the next months will push you and your Pokemons to their limits, if not beyond them."

"Thanks, Master."


*I hope that you will enjoy the cliffhanger in the story.
Vote for the chapter if you enjoyed it. Also please leave feedback in the comments.

Peace out.*

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