Chapter 54

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*In the previous chapter.*

However, while they were conversing, someone entered the Tower.

"Umm, is someone here?" inquired the newcomer.

"Yeah!" exclaimed Clemont, and he went to greet that 'someone.' But he stopped when he saw who was there.

"Hey Serena, it's been a while!" exclaimed Clemont as he ran up to her.


Ash was watching Bonnie play with Pikachu and was smiling when Clemont greeted the newcomer. Ash's heart skipped a beat when Clemont said that name. His expressions dropped. Pikachu also faced Ash, having a face full of concern towards his buddy. Bonnie noticed the sudden shift in Ash's expression and inquired, "Ash, what happened?"

But Ash didn't say anything.

But then her gaze was drawn to Serena and her eyes widened with delight. "Serena!!" she exclaimed as she ran up to her.

Serena was talking to Clemont when Bonnie came to her running and embraced her in a hug, jumping with joy. She then looked up to Serena and exclaimed with delight, "Serena! What a coincidence! Ash is here too!".

As she heard his name, her condition was the same as Ash. Bonnie and Clemont both noticed that sudden expression change. Clemont asked about this first, "Serena, what happened to you?"

"N-nothing, Clemont," she answered, pulling her eyes away from him anxiously.

Ash was anxious, frightened and not ready to face her again. He forcefully closed his eyes and hid his half-face with his cap. With that, he slowly started running to the exit.

"Pikapi..., Pikapi!", Pikachu yelled in concern as he followed Ash, telling him to stop, but Ash refused to listen to anything.

But as he passed Serena, she grabbed his wrists and with this, he came to a stop. His back was turned toward her.

"Ash," she whispered as her throat throbbed.

But, Ash remained silent to her.

"Ash, please,", she insisted, but all she got was Ash's silence. Her eyes welled up with tears at Ash's silence. Without saying anything, Ash was just trying to pull his hands off Serena's grip.

While all of this was happening, Clemont and Bonnie stood like statues and just watched. They had no idea what had happened between them. Then slowly, Clemont bent to bonnie and whispered to her in her ears, "What happened between these two?"

Bonnie whispered to him as a reply, "I don't know too, maybe something is wrong between them."

"Ash, please stay,", she insisted again, a tear came down her face, but what happened next was not what either Serena or Clemont or Bonnie expected. Ash suddenly snatched his hands from her's and shouted angrily in a harsh tone, "I told you, Move! On! Haven't you heard that before!!"

As he shouted, he ran from there at his full force, tears endlessly streaming down his cheeks.

"Pikapi! Pikachu!", Pikachu yelled as he ran after him.

Clemont and Bonnie were dumbfounded and had their eyes widen when Ash shouted. They had no idea what just happened.

Serena's heart shattered at that moment. While her hands were loosened in shock, tears fell from her eyes and her handbag, which she was carrying in her arms, fell to the ground.

But, she felt something instantly. It was pure determination and passion to get Ash back. She closed her eyes and took a breath deeply. She then opened her eyes, which were luminous with determination. She wiped her tears away and ran after him. After all, the quote of her life was "never give up," which she had only learned from Ash.

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