Chapter 43

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*In the previous chapter.*

*In Serena's room.*

"This was the most amazing night of my life. I still can't believe I went out on a moonlit walk with Ash! It's like we're on our first date! "I'm so glad!" she said to herself before falling asleep.


Now, the entire Galar region resembled a ruin. Pokemons and trainers lay dead all over the place. Hammerlocke City was especially devastated. There seemed to be no life left. The most terrifying aspect was the presence of the Supreme Power of the Pokemon universe, Arceus, and guess what, he had lost all his plates and was dying. Its body was completely radiated with poisonous radiation.

At the top of Hammerlocke gym, Ash was kneeling, but the most terrifying thing was that Serena was on his lap, unconscious with blood dripping from many parts of her skin. In front of Ash, there was a person. He was riding an Aegislash who was hovering in the air.

"I warned you that you would suffer. However, the entire world will now suffer as a result of this. My strength is uncontainable ", the unidentified person stated with a devilish grin.

"I'll stop you!" said Ash but he was looking down at Serena, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"How can you! You have lost everything or I precisely say... EVERYONE!"

*The dream ends.*

Ash quickly sprang up. His eyes were wide open in horror as he sat on his bed, heavily sweating and panting. But then he noticed his surroundings and realized where he was. Then he noticed Pikachu asleep by his side. But suddenly, because of Ash's quick movement, he woke and saw Ash.

"Pikachu!" cried Pikachu as he hopped onto Ash's lap and began nuzzling him on the chest. Ash returned his pat.

"Pikachu?", Ash inquired, puzzled while patting him, as to why he behaved in this manner.

But again he noticed someone else by his side. She was Serena and she was sleeping at his side in a sitting position resting her head on the bed. This made Ash more confused.

"What happened Pikachu? And why is Serena here?"

"Pika Pika Chu Pika Chu Pikachu Pika Pika Chu Pikachu.", Pikachu replied.

"Sorry Pikachu, I'm not able to understand what you are saying. My head is aching a lot.", Ash said grabbing his head.

"Pikapi.", Pikachu said with a concerned voice.

The voices of Ash and Pikachu woke Serena up. She opened her eyes and saw Ash which made her exclaim with joy, "Ash!!"

She quickly grabbed Ash's hand by both of her hands, lifted it, and asked in a concerned tone, "Are you okay Ash?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, what happened Serena?", Ash asked, confused.

"You're asking what occurred! You had a high fever last night! ", she yelled.

"Oh, that's why my head is aching...", Ash thought with his head down.

I'm glad you're okay Ash," Illene said as she entered Ash's room. Sir Aaron was also there with her.

Aaron asked Ash, "Are you feeling well now?".

"Yeah, Sir Aaron, Illene, I'm feeling good.", Ash replied.

Aaron said to Ash, "You should be thankful to Illene and Serena, they stayed up all night to care for you.".

As Ash learned of the fact, he thanked Illene and Serena.

Then, with a serious expression on his face, he began leaving his room slowly.

"Ash, where are you going?" Serena inquired about this.

Ash, on the other hand, was deep in thought. He didn't though.


He didn't respond.


Nonetheless, Ash remained silent.

Serena then touched Ash on the shoulder. As a result, Ash snapped out of his thoughts and replied, "Yes?"

"What happened to you, Ash?" Serena said, worried.

"I'm alright, Serena, just a thought," Ash said.

"Are you sure you're okay, Ash?" Aaron inquired.

"You are stressed, Ash; you should rest now," Ilene said.

"No, it was only a thought. I just need some alone time ", Ash stated. Then he began to leave the room. Pikachu followed him as well, but Ash saw and turned back, saying, "Sorry Pikachu, I just need some time... alone." Then he walked away.

Everyone, especially Serena and Pikachu, had a worried expression on their faces as Ash went.

Ash arrived on the balcony. He sat with his elbows on the glass panes, taking in the sight from that balcony.

"Again... What was the point of that dream? Was it a vision of the future that Master had shown me back there, or was it simply my imagination? "With a serious expression on his face, Ash pondered these thoughts. He must be concerned about that dream. Was it all a nightmare?

"Who is that man on that Aegislash, and why was he in the Galar region? Why did that man say I had lost everyone? And why was Serena with me at the time? I'm sure that I will not be accompanying Serena on that risky mission. So, what was she doing with me? Should I check in with Jack to see if there is something weird going on there? " All this occurred to Ash. He was worried over the dream.

"Or... Should I ask, Master?"

But suddenly a voice from behind said something. "Ash, you had that dream, didn't you?"


"Do you develop that mind control device?"

"Yes, sir, and, the squad will proceed on your directions."


"Now! Be careful! Everyone will suffer as a result of their rejection of me! *evil laughter* HAHAHAHA!"



A creature opened its eyes. As he opened his eyes, a massive shockwave erupted across a large region, powerful enough to shake even universes.

"It is going to be restored!"


Somewhere towards the peak of the Tree of Beginning,

Master closed his eyes as he sat under a tree on a big flat stone.

But then he snapped open his eyes, a serious expression on his face.

"Ash, I hope you're prepared because this will... kill you."


*An announcement for you guys. I may not be posting new chapters for a month or two. My exams are approaching, and I need to prepare at least a month in advance. Sorry for my absence, but I'll be back soon.*

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