Chapter 8

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*In the previous chapter.*

When Jack and his Typhlosion saw the reunion, they both stood aside. When he saw the relationship between those Pokemon, he became emotional.

Snorlax and Pigeot also appeared since they had been waiting a long time to meet 

Blastoise. Following the reunion, they returned to Master to know the way to the first stage.


*Story continues after coming back to Master after the reunion of all old friends.*

"We're here, Master," Ash and Jack responded, although they weren't panting like they used to because of their training. All of their Pokemon had emerged from their Pokeballs.

"So you're that firefighter, huh?" Master inquired, his gaze fixed on Blastoise's face.

"Blas toise," Blastoise replied, nodding.

"I hope you all had a wonderful reunion," Master replied.

"Yes, Master," Ash answered, beaming at all of his Pokemon.

"So, Jack, I hadn't asked you, but can you tell me which Pokemons you're taking with you?" Master inquired.

"Sure, Master," Jack responded, tossing all six of his Pokeballs in the air.

Typhlosion, Salamence, Vaporion, Steelix, Scarmory, and Gloom appeared.

"A Pokemon from each type like Ash. It's interesting ", Master stated.

"Like me?" Ash inquired.

"Yeah, Ash, you have a wonderful Pokemon team as well, with fire, water, grass, electric, flying, and normal types," Jack added.

"I've never noticed this," Ash wondered.

"Your love and care for your Pokemon will never allow you to think about that Ash," Master stated.

"I think you're correct."

"Look at the sky, it's already midday!" said Jack, surprised.

"Wait, what?!?" shouted Ash. "We have to go to our stage immediately.", he added.

"Proceed in that direction, towards the cave. The first stage's challenge will be found there.", 

Master said.

"Ok Master!", said the two leaving.

Both Ash and Jack started moving in the direction stated by Master.

"OK, Master!" said the two as they exited.

Both Ash and Jack began to move in the direction indicated by Master.

*Time skip.*

They had arrived at the entrance to the cave where a gleaming Moltres is supposed to reside, after passing through several difficult geographical situations.

"We've arrived," Ash stated seriously, looking at the cave's entrance.

"You know, Ash, I'm a little nervous. If we lost against it, all of our preparation would be for the fight.

"We'd have to start from start,", said Jack expressing concern.

"You know, Jack, I just believe in a phrase: NEVER GIVE UP TILL IT'S OVER. And by pursuing it, I've arrived where I wanted to be since I was a youngster," Ash stated, staring up at the sky.

"This is one of the many reasons I admire you, Ash!" remarked Jack.

"You do," Ash responded, chuckling slightly.

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