Chapter 23

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*In the previous episode.*

Attacks from both sides collided. First, the Hyper beam matched the power of Blast burn for a short time. Overpowering that hyper beam, the blast burn hit Dragonite. Due to that attack, a big black cloud grew around him.

A while later, the cloud settled, revealing that Dragonite was knocked out and had many burnt marks on its skin.


Then, slowly, Lance approached Dragonite and knelt down in front of him, saying, "You fought well Dragonite, now take some time to rest."

As soon as Charizard's Mega evolved state broke, he rushed towards Ash and gave him a body slam followed by a flamethrower. As soon as Charizard approached Ash, Pikachu leapt from his shoulder. Ash failed to react in time and was hit by Charizard's friendly flamethrower. After licking his trainer he thanked him for his assistance in the battle since without him Charizard would not have been able to defeat the one who defeated him.

"St-Stop, hehe, stop licking me, hehe, Charizard. It tickles ", Ash said, chuckling a bit by that tickle.

Charizard then rose up and moved away from his trainer so that he could stand up. They then gave him a victory fist bump.

"Well, it appears that you are now the official champion of the Kanto region," Lance stated as he approached Ash and Charizard.

Ash called all his Pokemons out.

"Everyone, do you hear what I'm saying? WE HAVE NOW BECOME A REGIONAL CHAMPION TOO!!! ", said Ash, raising his fists in the air in his typical way. All others imitated his trainer in joy.

"Well, we think we missed something important," P. Oak stated as he entered the last elite 4 room with Tracy, Gary, and Charles.

"Yes, we won the fight, and we are officially Regional Champion!" shouted Ash as he hugged P. Oak.

"Congratulations, my young man. Who would have guessed that a young child from Pallet Town would become a Regional Champion? ", P. Oak replied, his eyes welling up with tears. These tears were joyous ones.

"I guess I'll have to practice a lot to get to your level, Ashy-boy," Gary mocked, before shaking hands and pulling each other in a warm hug. Tracy soon joined them.

Soon after, the other four elites joined them and congratulated Ash on his victory.

"Charles, could you please keep the Kanto champion's identity hidden?" Ash said after the gathering.

"But, Ash, this is a nice title. Why are you so concerned about not revealing it?"

"Because I've realized my goal," Ash said, his face flushed with rage.

"But I thought you'd already accomplished your goal, I mean you've got three champion titles in your hands," Tracy, perplexed, added.

"That's my secondary dream. My major goal is to do something different ", Ash explained.

"Would you mind sharing it with us, Ashy-boy?" Gary said.

"I can't, this is my personal matter, and I don't want to share," Ash explained.

"Okay, if that's what you want, we won't push you," Tracy said.

"Then I'll rely on you, Charles. Please keep my identity a secret ", Ash explained.

"You can count on me, Ash," Charles said.

"Then I'll fulfil it," Ash remarked as he walked away.

"Wait, are you going already?" P. Oak inquired.

"Yes, since this has to be done in a short amount of time," Ash explained.

"All right, go ahead," Charles responded.

"Well, Charles, could you tell me where the battle pyramid is now?" Ash inquired.

"Umm, no, but I suppose Scott will know better," Charles said.

"OK, then I'm leaving," Ash replied. He then called Pidgeot out of its Pokeball and jumped on it. Pikachu leapt on the ground before leaping onto Pidgeot's back. Pigeot then took off from the ground, and Ash and Pikachu waved goodbye to the others.

After some time, Ash called Scott, who informed him that the Battle Pyramid had been relocated to the Anistar City of Kalos Region. He also mentioned that another youngster named Jack is on his way there to finish the war frontier. Ash was aware of it, which is why he went there; he wanted Jack to determine whether or not his friends were in danger.

*Time skip till they reach the Kalos region.*

As Ash arrived in Anistar City, coincidently, he noticed Jack in front of him riding his Salamence above the Pokemon Center, searching for the battle pyramid from above. When he saw Jack, he called him, but he didn't hear him. So he rode his Pidgeot to him.

"Where's to the Battle Pyramid? Salamence, can you see it? ", Jack inquired as he scanned the city for the battle pyramid. But, much to his surprise, Ash came to him from behind.

After their reunion and notifying Jack about Ash's task completion, Ash told Jack that after completing his task, he would find his friends and check them to see if they were safe or not.

Jack agreed, and they parted ways.

After a while, Ash went down to the Pokemon centre to rest his Pidgeot and his other Pokemons who were somewhat exhausted from their battle. But, as he was waiting for his Pokemons to be healed, on the couch at some distance from the entrance with Pikachu on his lap, a familiar person entered there.


*First of all, sorry for this short chapter. I am engaged in a work that's why I published it early but anyway guess the two people who are those... All I can do is to give you all a hint that the two people are going to have a main character part in the story. Also, don't forget to vote for the chapter if you like it. So till the next chapter...

Peace out.*

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