Chapter 37

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*In the previous chapter.*

"Pika...," said Pikachu as he opened his eyes which had a blue aura flaring in it, his cheeks crackling with blue and menacing electricity.

Due to this, everyone started getting nervous.

"Use! Fusion Bolt!!", shouted Ash as he launched his fists in the air.


Pikachu unleashed enormous bolts of ominous blue electricity into the skies as soon as Ash ordered the attack. As a result, the clouds began to erupt in thundering explosions. Then, from the clouds, a massive bolt of blue lightning struck the base, particularly the lab portion, easily capable of destroying a multistory building. That lightning bolt made such a tremendous noise that anyone in close proximity to it could go deaf. Small zaps of electricity began to run through the ground as a result of the strike.

"Pikachu, you did a good job. This has undoubtedly absorbed most of your energy. Climb up onto my shoulders ", replied Ash as he kneeled and gently placed his palm on Pikachu's head, comforting him, and motioned him to leap onto his shoulders. "Chaaaa!!!" said Pikachu, squealing. He hopped onto Ash's shoulders after that.

He then turned around and stood up with Pikachu on his shoulders, saying, "Hey guys, the wo-...", but when he saw his companions' expressions, he giggled nervously with Pikachu.

Lance was the first to recover from his disbelief. He almost cried, "How can such a small pokemon like Pikachu do that attack!"

Others were able to recover from their astonishment because to his voice. Everyone was looking at him with a puzzled expression, as they also wanted to know how did he do that.

When Ash first notices everyone's puzzled expressions, he chuckles. After that, he confesses, "With the help of my aura and our relationship, Pikachu was able to accomplish this. He was able to learn the attack as a result of this. Also, I'd like to express my gratitude to Master for teaching me and Pikachu this attack."

"Like your Greninja and Charizard?" Alain inquired.

"You can say that," Ash replied, "but Master once mentioned that Pikachu and my link is so strong that it can even surpass the original Fusion bolt." "By the way, I didn't notice before, but where's Master?" Ash inquired, looking around for Master.

"He disappeared when you were fighting Lysander," Jack explained.

"Yeah, and with that, I'd like to question who's Master is, and why are you two calling him that?" Serena said.

"That's because he told us to call him Master," Ash explained. "And why don't we call him Master? He brought everything to us, and everything I and Jack are now is because of him. He was also the only person who helped me in gaining access to my aura power. In general, he acts as a parent figure to us, having prepared us for a threat for the past three years ", he added, but his tone was hushed when he spoke 'a threat.'


*Somewhere in a palace.*

Master were standing there, his eyes closed and smiling.

"So those two think of me in that sense. I'm quite pleased of you ", Master remarked with a smile, then his attitude shifted to one of seriousness. "The threat is arriving quickly, as the menace's base has already been established," he added, his face solemn.


*Back with the group.*

"What is that 'threat,' Serena said, lifting an eyebrow and speaking in a serious tone.

"It's just that I can't say it. It's just that Master has forbidden me from discussing it with anyone ", Ash stated.

"It's fine if Master stated this," Serena remarked, nodding.

"However, Master also advised saying it to the ones you trust the most," Jack explained.

"I know Jack, but..." Ash began, but Serena interrupted him off.

"It's fine if you don't want to share it, Ash," Serena remarked, a sorrowful expression on her face but a fake grin. "He doesn't trust me? No, he believes in me. I know him. But why didn't he tell me the reason? "Serena thought.

After then, Steven moved forward to the attack's location. He spoke up after seeing the structure, "That bolt was so powerful that it nearly destroyed the area. Especially in the lab, where key information was kept."

"Can I speak with Ash?" Jack inquired.

"Sure, why not? *Do not mistake it for Wynaut (-_-)* "Serena stated.

Both Ash and Jack took a step back.

"So, Ash, what to do now? According to the vision, there are many people who need to be saved, and if Leon is involved, this must be in the Galar region ", Jack stated.

"Yes, go look for Goh first. He, too, is in danger. I'll stay here with Serena to make sure she's fine", Ash stated.

"All right, Ash, but where is Goh now?"

"I'm not sure, but he'd be working as a researcher alongside Professor Magnolia and Sonia," Ash remarked.

"But Ash, is it safe?" Jack wondered.

"Yeah. Now, Jack, get going. Also, let Leon know about it. He would be really useful in this situation ", Ash added, his voice solemn. "We were picked by Master for a purpose, and we must live up to his expectations. We can't let him down, especially after the three years of training he's given us ", he said bravely as he gazed at the night sky in a solemn tone.

"Yes, Ash, we can and will," Jack stated, his face solemn.



*Sorry for this short chapter, but trust me it's the best point where a chapter could end.*

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