Chapter 59

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*In the previous chapter.*

"Ash carried you all the way here," she said with a grin.

Instantly, a smile formed on my face as well. I may have dozed out in Ash's arms. And he carried me all the way here. He genuinely cares about me. I blushed excessively and wore a wide grin on my face as I thought these thoughts.

"Come downstairs, Serena," my mom said as she walked out of the room.

I smiled and blushed profusely as I answered, "Yeah, coming."





"Hello," muttered a drowsy and tired voice.

"Hey Ash, it's Gladion," stated the solemn voice on the other end of the phone.

"Oh hey Gladion, how have you been?" Ash asked, his eyes half-closed and a lazy smile on his face.

Gladion remarked over the phone, "Ash, we found that person."

His smile vanished all of a sudden but he was still drowsy.

"Who?", he asked unknowingly not being in his senses fully.

"It's one of our scientists, to be sure. He had been smuggling Ultra beast Pokeballs to an unknown place that we have yet to find."

"Who is that?" Ash inquired.

"We still have no idea who he is. He entered the organisation a few weeks ago under the guise of a well-known scientist "Gladion explained. "When we asked about him, he does not respond. Rather, he is just stating that he should be killed."

"So, here's the problem. Alright, just keep asking him. I'm sure he's hiding something "With a solemn expression on his face, Ash remarked.

"All right."

He hung up the phone after that.

After that, Ash gently pushed his Rotom phone aside and got out of his bed. He sat on the bed's edge. Then he slowly turned around and found his best friend Pikachu asleep. He grinned at his sleeping buddy's cuteness. But he couldn't recognize where he was because he slept in the same outfit he wore to the date the day before. He returned to the tower after carrying the sleeping Serena to her home and promptly fell asleep because he was exhausted from the previous day's activities.

He slowly realised that he was in his room inside the prism tower. He looked up at the clock hung at the sidewall. And it was just 5 a.m.

He then yawned and stretched his hands. Then he slowly stood up and glanced at the room's window. Seeing that, he walked to the window and gently pushed the curtains aside. As he did so, rays of golden light entered the room. Then some Fletchlings passed by outside of the window. Seeing that, a small smile appeared on his face.

He then turned back and retreated from the window and slowly exited the room. As usually, his day started with training, he continued it and went downstairs to the gym for training.

His training lasted three hours, as usual, although it was not as severe as it should have been. It was, in fact, a play between them. They played and enjoyed it for three hours. Bonnie eventually joined them after waking up.

He had to see Alain for some essential work involving the people who are still utilising Ultra Beasts to cause havoc after all of the training and breakfast. Pidgeot, as usual, carried him to the planned meeting place.

He arrived at a cafe and landed at a safe distance away. Alain was in the cafe, disguised since he knew he could be followed. He was outside the cafe sitting on a table with a drink and straw inside it. He was waiting for Ash to arrive. He slowly raised his head and saw Ash, along with Pikachu, running towards him. He came to a stop as he reached the table and pulled the chair opposite of Alain's.

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