Chapter 50

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*In the previous chapter.*

After they parted from the hug, he rose to his feet with Pikachu in his hands and walked out of the hall, followed by Greninja. Greninja, too, came to his senses when Ash came. As Ash moved past Silver, he tries to escape slowly, but Ash remarked coldly as he stopped, "Don't dare!"

This sent shivers up Silver's spine, and he stopped.

Then Ash walked out from there in search of Serena.


"Lucario, come on out!" Ash exclaimed as he tossed a Pokeball.

From it materialised the Blue Dog Pokemon, Lucario.

"Lucario, help me in finding Serena," Ash said to Lucario.

"Sure, Master," Lucario replied as he turned around. He raised one hand, closed his eyes, and began to channel his aura. Because of his use of aura, his body began to glow blue from his outline. After a moment, Lucario's eyes, which were glowing blue, opened.

"Follow me," Lucario said as he began rushing in the right, to the stairs.

Ash, holding his injured buddy in his hand, and Greninja began following him. They encountered several guards as they followed him. Despite the fact that Lucario had fainted for the majority of them, he was to take the help of Greninja as well. The duo of Lucario and Greninja was awesome and they were fighting like great teammates. 

They were on the topmost floor of the base after climbing two floors and defeating the guards on them, and they couldn't destroy the surroundings because above them was the weight of a half mountain. Lucario led them to the main room, which housed the top member of the base. It was the Boss's office. Ash entered the room through a hallway. There were several hard and rigid doors in the hallway. Surprisingly, they were open. As Ash entered the room, he noticed someone sitting in the Boss chair in front of him, but he couldn't see who it was as the chair was turned around.

"Ash, you finally came here," said the man. "I hope my people didn't bother you too much... especially Silver."

When Ash heard this voice, he muttered coldly, "Lysander." Pikachu's ears perked up and he opened his eyes as he said this. In addition, Lucario and Greninja began growling at him in rage.

"So you remember me," Lysander stated as he turned his chair to face Ash.

"I can't forget you after what you've done to me," Ash said, smiling slightly, but it was a cold smile. He was hiding his emotions from Lysander by hiding his half-face in the shadow of his cap.

"Where have you been all this time?" Ash inquired quietly and coldly.

"Where I was isn't your concern," Lysander said casually as he rose from his chair and began wandering around.

"Leave her alone, Lysander."

"Leave her alone? Who? "Lysander inquired. "Oh, yes, your friend. And why do I follow your commands? "Lysander stated.

"Because if you don't, you know what the consequences are," Ash said coldly.

"Oh, I know the consequences?" Lysander inquired. He then went to his table and took something that looked like a screen. "I don't know, so can you?" he continued, evilly smirking and touching something on it.

A hatch in the middle of the room opened as he did so. Serena's cage emerged from the hatch. Ash noticed an injured Serena inside the cage as it slowly emerged. His eyes widened in surprise and concern. Serena slowly opened her eyes as she entered, and there in front of her was Ash holding Pikachu, Greninja, and Lucario.

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