Chapter 30

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*In the previous chapter.*

Then, from behind, Bryony shouted up in a wicked tone, "This girl talks a lot. Ketchum, finish her quickly,"

"Yes. Flamethrower.", Ash said in a voice devoid of emotion, yet with a little tint of sorrow for anybody to notice.

But in his mind, Ash screamed, "No!!!"

Charizard did as he was commanded and launched a scorching Flamethrower at Serena, but Altaria jumped in front of him to save her trainer. They both closed their eyes in fear as they awaited the attack, but it never arrived because a bipedal Pokemon stood in front of them, deflecting Charizard's Flamethrower with his own.


"An Incineroar?" Bryony said, surprised, for she hadn't anticipated an Incineroar to come to her aid.

"From whence and whose is that?" Aliana inquired, confused and alarmed.

The smoke from the two flamethrowers meeting emerged a shadow-like figure. When the individual emerged from the cloud. Jack exclaimed, both joyful and confused, "Master!!"

Serena looked around and noticed an elderly gentleman in a white robe-like cloth approaching them through the smoke.

"Nice to see you again, Jack," Master answered gently.

"Thank you... uh..." said Serena.

"Everyone calls me Master," Master remarked quietly.

"Okay, then... Thank you, Master... for saving my life "Serena expressed gratitude to Master.

In the meantime, Charizard's flamethrower was still colliding with Master's Incineroar's Flamethrower and the two were even.

"Show your strength, Charizard, and go full power," Ash commanded again, coldly.

Charizard then emerged with a stronger flamethrower on the other flamethrower, gradually overpowering it. The twist came as Incineroar took a deep breath as he watched his flamethrower eventually overtake it and shoot far stronger flames than Charizard's.

Despite Ash's instructions, Jack was surprised to see Charizard, not at full power. He then enquired of Master, saying, "Why is Charizard not at full strength, Master?"

After Jack inquired, everyone in the room glanced at Master with somewhat wide eyes, expecting a response. Seeing that Master had raised his voice,

"It's because Ash needs access to his aura and link. His connection with all of his Pokemons under mind control is a waste of effort because all but one of his Pokemons are under control.", Master responded calmly but worriedly.

They all exchanged confused eyes before turning to look at Ash with concern.

Master then backed up in the smoke, so that no one would notice him because he didn't want anyone to know who he was.

Then Master began to gather his aura, his eyes closed and his hands on his chest. As soon as he did so, his entire body began to glow softly in blue. As a result, Master established a little connection to Ash's mind, allowing the real Ash to communicate with him.

*In Ash's mind.*


"Master?", Ash said in his head, surprised as to how Master can communicate with him.

"Yes, Ash. I am in your head. I want you to focus on your aura and break free from the machine's control. I know you completed your task, but it was just for the instruction that I provided you for the first two years. This will be your test for the aura control training that I taught you. If you focus, you will easily be able to break free.", Master stated seriously.

"That means... Master... You were aware that this crisis was going to happen!?", Ash asked in a stunned and rather enraged tone.

"*Sighs* Yes."

"Then why didn't you warn me about it...", said Ash, but was cut off by Master.

"I know you're angry with me since I didn't say anything, but this was your destiny, and not even Arceus could change it. If I had interfered in the middle, it would have occurred by any chance, therefore I didn't say anything to you.", Master explained gently.

Ash understood what Master stated. But still, he had a question so he asked, "But what about what you mentioned before? Concentrate on my aura?"

"Find it yourself,", said Master, and then his voice vanished*.

"Master? Master! What happened? Did you left?... *in a depressing tone. * I think your voice is gone...", Ash said.

"Wait a minute,! Why am I sad? Master asked me to focus on my aura! ... So here I go!", Ash said, his voice again filled with enthusiasm and determination.

Ash then closed his eyes and focused his attention on his aura. He calmed his enraged thoughts in Team Flare. Suddenly, his body began to glow blue and emitted blue flames. He suddenly opened his eyes wide, and they were glowing.

*Out of Ash's mind.*

"He got it. I'm sensing a powerful aura radiating from Ash's body.", Master spoke slowly so no one would be able to hear him.

"Hey, Ash! Stop it right now! I know you're there; just listen to what we're saying!", Serena shouted. "Listen to me!!"

"Stop, Ash! Listen to her. I'm sure your Pokemon can't keep up with Incineroar. Just give up, Ash!", Alain yelled.

Then Master emerged from the smoking cloud.

"Ash,! Do it!", Master seriously yelled.

"Yes, Master!", Ash murmured, and some aura energy erupted from his body in all directions.

Ash's body collapsed to the ground on his knees. He began to pant. His eyes, which indicated he was in control, shifted to identical auburn-coloured eyes.

He began panting severely due to the excessive usage of aura.

Aliana was taken aback by what just happened. "What happened?", she yelled.

"I'm not sure! The devices are operating, but he appears to be escaping our grasp.", Bryony said as she was checking the operation of the machine.

The words Aliana and Bryony just spoke were heard by the rest of the group. Serena then dashed up to Ash and grabbed his elbow and shoulder to help him rise.

"Thank you, *panting* Serena...", Ash said.

Then Alain and Jack arrived to help him.

"Increase the device's power... We can't let him get away from us.", Bryony yelled as she was making necessary changes in the power level of their machine.

 Listening to this, Ash said, "Power huh, *panting* I'll give you *panting*  enough power that you can't even imagine!"

He then abruptly stood up, and guess what? He took a Pokeball from his belt and unclipped it. The Pokeball grew in his hands and the Pokemon that emerged stunned everyone because no one had ever seen that Pokemon before. Even Jack was taken aback and confused as to why he was using him. Master, who already knew what was going to happen, chuckled as he saw the Pokemon.


*Hey! I know this was a short one, but I was in a rush when writing it for... hmm... you know what I'm saying... In any case, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Remember to vote for this story if you enjoyed it, and please leave a comment, good or bad, anything but just a comment. This will tell me how I'm doing. So, until then, I'll see you at the next one...

Peace out.*

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