Chapter 19

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*In the previous chapter.*

"If this is the future, Master, please train me. Push me to my limits. At the very least, I'll be able to save my friends from the devastation... My only family ", muttered Ash, who began with rage and determination but quickly became overwhelmed by emotions and tears welled up in his eyes. He began to cry silently.

"Sure, I'll do it. That's exactly what fate wants to do. So, prepare yourself, Ash Ketchum, because the training in the next months will push you and your Pokemons to their limits, if not beyond them."

"Thanks, Master."


*After 1 year of training.*

Update:- Ash's all Pokemons have achieved their full evolutions.

"Are you ready, Ash and Jack, for the third stage of Mt. Silver?"

"Yes, Master!" Ash and Jack responded in unison, their eyes brimming with enthusiasm.

"Now! Go to the summit of Mt. Silver. The strongest Pokemon of its type may be found in one of the caves. The one who was made by humans....."

"Wait! Is it the same Pokemon that you're talking about? ", Ash inquired, his eyes widening. Although Jack was confused.

"Yes, it is right. I'm referring to Mewtwo. The strongest Pokemon, as well as a legendary."

While Ash was buried in thinking, Jack inquired of Master, "Wait... Who is this Mewtwo?" as he had never heard his name before.

"Mewtwo is the most powerful Pokemon in the world. No Pokemon in the world is thought to be capable of defeating Mewtwo... As a result, he is known as 'The Strongest Pokemon'... Team Rocket created it! ", Ash stated as he explained this to Jack. He began his speech calmly, but his rage quickly overcame him when he took the name Team Rocket.

"Calm down, Ash... After that, you may move on to your dream ", Master said.

"All right, Master."

While everything was going on, Jack's jaw was wide open since he had never heard of such a Pokemon before.

"Let's go, Jack... We have a test to complete our training."

"Sure... Let's go, Ash."

As soon as Jack stated this, Ash and Jack headed to the summit of Mt. Silver to battle Mewtwo.

*Time skipped.*

"Now that we're here, we have to battle Mewtwo in order for our training to be successful," Ash told Jack and Pikachu.



As he said, Ash and Jack entered the cave in search of Mewtwo. But fate didn't put them to the test since Mewtwo appeared right in front of them as soon as they entered the cave.

"What brings you here? This is my land, and you are not permitted to walk around! "Mewtwo said in a strong tone but with telepathy. His statements plainly demonstrated his rage for others.

He was preparing to attack by generating an aura sphere in his palm.

"Hello, Mewtwo! Don't you remember me? My name is Ash, and this is Pikachu! You said that we would always be friends ", Ash stated.

"Pika Pika Chuu!"

"Wait! Ash! Pikachu! It's great to see you! We finally met after a very long time! ", Mewtwo replied with a smile on his face. The names of the two appeared to have warmed his cold heart.

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