Chapter 35

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*In the previous chapter.*

After the smoke disappeared, it revealed Zygarde was knocked off and his body soon started to shrink, releasing green energy, to his original form, i.e., Zygarde's core.


Ash was not able to believe what he was seeing. He was just standing there, perplexed.


Pikachu's voice brought him back to reality.

"Greninja, Sceptile, we did it!!," he exclaimed, ecstatic.



They then hugged each other as if they were best friends, despite the fact that they had never met before.

"I underestimated you again, but this time it won't happen again," Lysander said with a devilish smile. He then motioned sideways to Xerosic, who was standing by his side. When Xerosic saw this, he handed him a screen like device.

Lysander grabbed the screen and swiped his finger across it. Then he pressed his fingers against it. As soon as he did that, Squishy, who was standing nearby, let out a roar loud enough to frighten other legendaries. His body grew larger, and his crystal-like eyes turned dark brown instead of red. Large, crystal-like rocks erupted from his back. It then let loose a roar that could frighten legendaries.

Bonnie yelled in concern when she saw this. "Squishy!!"

Clemont noticed Bonnie's sadness. When he saw her little sister in such state, he was saddened as well. He knelt down to her level and hugged her. Bonnie hugged him back and peeped out from under the hug.

"My experiment went successful! Now Z-1, end this!", Lysander exclaimed seeing his experiment's success.

"Lysander! This will not help! Stop this chaos right now!", Ash yelled angrily.

"Zygarde show them your power! Extreme speed!", he yelled as the red snake rushed towards the two Pokemons.

"Greninja, cut! and Sceptile, Leaf Blade!", Ash commanded, as the Pokemons became ready to attack.

But before they could charge their attacks, Zygarde rushed towards the two speedies and slammed them with his head. This caused them to flew backwards and got slammed on the walls.

"How can it be so powerful...", Ash whispered in disbelief, but immediately he felt the pain that Greninja was experiencing due to their bond. He stumbled from the shock and held his shoulder with one hand.

"Ash!", Serena, Gary and Jack all three yelled in unison as all came to him in concern. But they went stopped by the vines.

"Don't interfere between us!", Lysander said, his voice devoid of emotion.

But Ash's attention was first drawn to his Pokemons. "Are you two okay?", Ash said seeing them struggling to stand up.

The both Pokemons nodded in reply. They stood up and came in front of Ash. He was about to command when P. Oak interrupted him from the back, "Ash, target the machine on its head! It's increasing its power!"

Lysander overheard that and started laughing devilishly. He then said, "Fools! This will not help! You would make my work easier! This will let Zygarde rampage in the whole Kalos!"

"Then I've to defeat him.", Ash whispered.

But Lysander heard him. "You still think you'll defeat me? No! Zygarde, Dragon Pulse with full power!"

Zygarde started to make a rainbow-like ball on his mouth which in no time got unleashed by him and took a shape of a three-headed Dragon. Before they could even react, Greninja and Sceptile both got hit by that devastating attack. That caused a big explosion.

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