CASE #012

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CASE #012

Despite his injured self, Akashi Seijuurou insisted on following the Special Squad to find Heiwayuki. Yukio had told him beforehand that she'd return Heiwa to where she was initially before the Ghouls kidnapped her. They headed to the Casino once again. It wasn't as crowded as usual because it's morning.

    The room labeled 'VIP II' was locked and they had to let Mikage crush the door since Seijuurou was badly hurt because of the ritual. All they saw was Arai on the sofa, unconscious but Heiwayuki was nowhere in view.



Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

    As the minor officers were busy removing Arai from the place, I hunted for her in utmost desperation. The curse is not with me, so she must be alive. 20 minutes of running here and there, an idea came to me. If anyone is kidnapped, the most strategic place to kill him or her without anyone seeing it is...

    I used the stairs to reach the ground floor. Kitchen. When I barged in, some girls in the workplace squealed in surprise as they saw me holding a gun.

    "Where is the freezer?" I asked one of them.

    The man pointed to behind him and I thanked him before running towards it. I took a deep breath before lifting the lid. Sure enough, she's there. Curled like a ball; she was pale, barely breathing and when I touched her, she was too cold. Like a frozen fish in a freezer.

    The walkie-talkie on my waist crackled. I placed it near my mouth.

    "Seijuurou, where are you?" Mikage's voice filled my eardrums.

    "I found her, ground floor, kitchen. Bring the paramedics along."

    The thing crackled again and I placed it back to my waist. I bent down to pick her up and suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my head. I winced, bit my lip and reached out to her.

    "Heiwayuki," I whispered when I lifted her up. "You're safe now, honey."

    She was numb. As soon as I carried her out of that damn freezer, my legs gave out and we fell to the floor. I hugged her ever so tightly and caressed her hair.

    "Seijuurou!" Mikage called out and several of his men came to us. I refused to let her go but Mikage pulled me and told me if I won't let her go, she'll die of severe hypothermia.



    "He's stubborn at the most unpredictable moments. He's a sweet person, always searching for anyone to help. He tends to excel in everything because he wants to be useful to others. He hates losing, thus, failing to concentrate will be disrespecting his self. I've been wondering, at the very moment I closed my eyes, I wondered... would he be all right without me by his side? He's been living under my protection since birth. He's shy when it comes to socializing, during his early age, that is. Heiwayuki-san, I don't want you to be a mere toy of his like what he did to other girls. Since he came this far to help you, I'm sure you mean something to him. Deep down the core, he doesn't know."

    That was what she told me. Kaori. Akashi Kaori, Senpai's mother. I met her during my worst experience after the skydiving accident ever. So it's like this. When Arai tried to start his project on me, Yuuji called upon the dead souls and attacked me. I screamed and Arai was shocked. I have no idea what happened after that but when I came to, it was too cold. Then I passed out again. Probably days after, I woke up and found myself as a soul.

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