Chapter Seven

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With a twist of my hand, the magazine that had somehow ended up on the floor near the front door was now on the couch. I glare down at my coffee, silently cursing the paparizzi for taking those pictures of Grace and I. The pictures weren't terrible, nor bad, but I just didn't like the fact that I couldn't go outside of my apartment without having my personal life posted all over social media.

My mind wonders over to Grace. The thought of how she was just standing over by the window in the living room, not saying a word. Just simply sipping on her coffee, watching cars pass down below on the streets of New York. It had been three days since our little meeting with the paps, and ever since she hasn't spoken to me. Most of the time she was either to busy on her laptop with work or she just bundled herself up with blankets and watched movies on the TV.

It worried me. Maybe she might not talk to me ever again. And I didn't want that to happen.

Hesitantly, I place the mug that was in my hands on the counter and walk slowly over to her. It took on a minute to get to her, and I stood next her as she continued to look out the window.

"Did I do something wrong? Because, if I did, I'm sorrry." I apologize, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Her head turns, looking at me. "No. Your didn't do anything wrong, Will. About what happened the other day i should probably be getting used too, anyway. I'm just... Just worried about our story to the public. You have an interview today, and the people there on probably going to ask about our 'relationship'."

I flash her a small smile. "I got everything figure out. Don't worry."

She shakes her head. "Telling a twenty-five year old with Anxiety disorder not to worry isn't something that's going to work."

Without thinking, I walk behind her, hugging her tightly. My arms around her waist, and her back up against my chest, was something that felt odd but good. Her messy, brown hair was still slightly damp in spots from the shower she had took this morning, and it smelt of strawberries.

"Will-" She starts, trying to wiggle her way out of my grasp, but I cut her off.

"Shh. Just relax. And if you can't relax, and your too worried about what's going to happen at that interview today, then you can watch it on the TV. Okay? I need you trust me that I know what I'm doing. Do you trust me, Grace?" I ask, whispering it into her ear as my head rests on her shoulder.

She tenses up, but then she relaxs. Obviously, she was resistent to trust me, and I couldn't blame her. But, then she sighs in defeat in herself.

"I trust you, Will. I do. But if something goes wrong-"

"Something won't go wrong, okay?" I tell her, and she nods, giving up.

And for a second I though everything was going to be fine, but then she speaks.

"Maybe we should make some rules?" She sugguests, turning her up to the side to look at me. I don't know if she noticed, but there was literally only about a centimeter of space between her lips and mine. And, as she talked, the only thing I could truly focus on was her lips.

"Rules?" I question, closing my eyes and then opening them, looking up into hers.

"Yeah, rules. Like since this is kind of an agreement between us how were pretending to date -- which, really, I'm not getting much out of by the way."

"Not much? Okay, so tell me what you need and then we can discuss these rules that your talking about."

She smiles. "Um... Well, you know how I don't really have any place to stay, and most of my stuff is in storage?"

The Pretend To Be AgreementOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant