Chapter Twenty

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Even with the sunglasses on to the shield my eyes from the harsh rays of the florescent lighting, they still burned. It felt like a hundred teeny tiny gnomes were inside of my skull, using little jackhammers that were causing me to have a migraine. My stomach made a weird noise as I walked, attracting strangers nearby to give me a confused look. With my eyes I glance over at Will who didn't seem to be looking any better than me.

His hair was a mess, sticking up in all different directions, and the only difference between him and I right now was that he had at least gotten some sleep on the plane. The reasoning behind why I hadn't was because some little kid was kicking the back of my seat, turbulence was a real bitch, and I think I got food poisoning.

So far the trip back to New York had not been a good one for me.

It was currently early afternoon, somewhere around 1:00p.m. here the last time I had checked. In my head I was cursing Will for having made us stay up and watch movies. The only good thing was that I had just enough time to take both a shower and pack my all my stuff. The bad, I'm pretty sure I forgot either my hairbrush or phone charger back at the hotel in Hawaii.

I was officially going back to work in two days, while Mr. Let's Stay Up All Night had to be at REED INCORPERATED in less than three hours. And I just couldn't wait to rub it in his face.

My suitcase glided against the white floor in the airport, and I was extremely happy that my suitcase had wheels. If I squinted I could see that not that far off in the distance stood three different men all holding signs, and the one in the middle was holding one that read 'REED' in an over-the-top font.

I barely just held back my squeal of delight when I saw the chauffer wave at us.


Do you ever come home after a trip and when you step foot in the house or apartment, and you end up smelling what all your friends smell? If you have, it was currently happening to me. But instead of disgust, I was actually relishing in the smell, knowing that this was now home.

Huh, home. Never thought I get to say that.

Every thought of just sitting down and relaxing had been destroyed the second I had walked through the front door. Sitting in the middle of the kitchen, taking up almost all the space, was a bunch of boxes that had my name written in black and red sharpie. I knew instantly who had packed all my things the minute I saw the curved handwriting, and made a mental note to thank Kimberly later.

To get Will's and I's stuff over to the bedroom without tripping over the boxes, we carefully and as gently as we possibly could, threw our suitcases and bags over and into the hallway. The only bags we did not throw were the ones containing our laptops and my camera.

It was a bit of a hassle, and took what felt like an hour but was truly on fifteen minutes, to find a way over the boxes. And even though we were both completely exhausted thanks to the jet lag, we took our stuff and hung it up in the closet where Will had to move some of his stuff over.

Dirty clothes went into the hamper inside of the bathroom, and I basically swore under my breath when I realized how much laundry I was going to have to do.

Using a pen and ripping a piece of paper off from the notebook I had stolen from one of Will's bags, I wrote down a reminder for myself to clean the dirty laundry - including the bed sheets in this room -, go grocery shopping, and last but certainly not least, visit Frederick.

Being the unlucky one he is, Will had went to go and take a twenty minute nap in his room while I went and did the same, but only on the couch in the living room.

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