Chapter Forty Four

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   I found it strange how Thanksgiving just so happened to fall on my father's birthday this year. It was strange. I had already escorted Emilie and Leslie to their room and daddy had been in bed long before. Esmeralda had her arm tucked under mine and Alma held my other one while Junebug skipped ahead of us.

"You're father is an absolute gem" Alma smiled.

"He's quite the hottie too"

Junebug turned around to glare at Esmeralda. "Isn't he a bit too old for you?"

Esmeralda shrugged and glanced at her nails. "Age is but a number."

I giggled. "He was quite the dashing young fellow when he was younger."


   My name echoed throughout the empty palace hallways and I turned around. Cecilia ran towards me with a wide smile on her face. It reminded me of the smile she had when I saw her and Will together that time. All it did was remind me of how much I wanted to puke all over their love life.

She stopped abruptly in front of me and took my hand. "Come! See what they're doing in the Women's Room!"

    My girls and I followed Cecilia. Picking up my night gown I ran as fast as I could. Cecilia pushed the large doors open and I gasped as soon as my eyes adjusted to the light. The room was decorated in bright vibrant colors that symbalized the fall. The furniture was pushed along side the long walls and in the center of the room there were piles of fluffy pillows and blankets.

    There were only girls in the room, of course, and almost a dozen maids running around. There were chairs and small tables set up and two maids walked in with trunks in their hands, pressumably holding clothing or shoes.

    Tiny turned and saw as. She was wearing a light blue night gown and she glowed at the sight of us. She ran over as quick as she could.

"It's a sleep over!" she beamed.

  Krystal walked over with a tray in hands. "Food, madame?"

I laughed and shook my head. "No thank you. I'm allergic to berries remember?"

   Krystal made a face at the tray then put it down as far away from me as possible.

"Well look what the cat dragged in."

I turned around. "Ora!"

   Ora grinned at me and I ran into her arms squeezing her tight. Today just kept getting better and better. Ora laughed and I laughed with her as we hugged each other as tight as possible. I reveled in her presence so glad to have my girl by my side again.

"Its so good to have you back home." I breathed.

She pulled back and smiled at me. "It feels good to be back."

"This is cute" Esmeralda grinned. "A sleep over for the girls."

"We're doing make up and dress ups and eating and watching movies and-!" Tiny was speaking a mile a minute.

   I just chuckled. We hovered around each other and Ora filled me in on her journey to Europe. It was amazing. Godfrey showed her such amazing places and one thing Ora kept mentioning how good the food was while she shoveled a cupcake into her mouth. I missed her so much it hurt.

"Alessandra" Constance purred.

   She sontered over to us in her lacy night gown and Beverly was by her side. 

"Hmm!" she made a face of mock thought and touched her chin. "Watchadoing here, kiddo."

"It's a sleep over for all the girls, Constance" Krystal hissed.

  Cecilia shot a warning glance at the girls. It said not to start trouble but judging by the way Ora put her food down I knew there was going to be a fight and we needed to take off our earrings asap.

"You're right" Beverly flashed a teethy smile. "Where's your mother, Alessandra?"

"My, my what?" I stuttered.

Constance laughed. "Honey, its a mother-daughter sleepover."

   I glanced at the girls and Cecilia regarded me with sympathy.

"Didn't your mother care enough to come see you?" Beverly jaunted.

   I clenched my jaw and instinctively my hand went to my locket. Ora and Krystal took a step forward but Cecilia flung her arms out to hold them back.

"She doesn't need a mother" Alma declared.

"Although I do feel like meeting the women that brought you two in the world." Esmeralda sneered. "They need a good ass whooping for bringing forth two pricks."

"Be lady like" Junebug said sing song although I knew she was laughing on the inside.

Constance looked at the girls like they were pesty flies hovering around her during the winter. "I will not be spoken to that way by the help."

"DOn't speak to them that way!" I stood protectively in front of them.

"Well then like I said" Beverly shrugged nonchalantly. "This is strictly for mommies that love their little girls and want to have a fun sleepover."

     I felt a pang to my heart and the air was leaving my lungs like wind out an open window.

"Where's your mommy, Lady Alessandra." Constance probbed. "You cannot be an orphan although it might explain your poor manners."

"I don't have a mother" I replied weakly.

"What?" Beverly coaxed.

"I don't-" I looked down. "I don't have one."

Constance gasped. "Oh she's dead! I'm so sorry."

"She's not dead. She's just gone."

"Don't you know where she is?" Beverly continued.

"That's enough." Tiny grabbed my arm. "Go shoved some botox in your cheeks!"

"If I were I'd get my raggity ass back where I belong before I kick you there!" Ora boomed.

     It was too late. Tears were flying down my cheeks like falling stars and I wiped them away hastily. I turned around and left the room as quickly and quietly as I could.

Yours Truly, Lady Illea (Illean Fanfics #2, A Lady Illea Novel)Where stories live. Discover now