Chapter 22, I'll kill her!

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Okay well I know I said not to expect anymore updates but I updated that one and straight away had another idea for the next chapter so I decided to continue writing and what do you know 5 minutes later I have another update. Enjoy! Also again thought this song matched cause Kristy has a little break down in this chap.

Kristys POV

I opened my eyes to sadly be greeted by darkness, that's why I have a love hate relationship with sleep, I hate the way I see my past, but I love the way I SEE. "Ahh sleeping beauty finally awakens." I could hear the smirk in Eds voice.

"Ha ha ha, aren't you just hilarious."

"I know, anyway get ready to leave, were going back to Central."

"Will do." I said as I shakily stood on my one flesh one metal leg. "Now, get out so I can get changed." I growled when he mock saluted me.

Major time skip, like already in Central.

"What." I said just above a whisper. As Riza repeated herself, her words kept running through my mind. "Havoc and Mustang are in hospital? But how?"

"A homunculus, by the name of lust I believe." As soon as I heard her say that dreaded name I ran to the military hospital. I stopped in the main room and listened for the people I were looking from before finding them.

I barged in through the doors. "Please tell me it's not true?" The silence gave me an answer. "How-how bad are you guys hurt?" At that point I heard the many other footsteps come behind me, that consisted of the Elrics, Winry, Riza, and the Hamiltions. (The old friends she met, ya know Dax, Rachel and Chloe.)

"I just have a few stitches." I heard Mustang reply, but the way he said it told me somthing was off.

"I'm paralysed." Havoc replied to me, his voice grim.

It was at that point I broke. "IM GONNA KILL THAT BITCH." I screamed and slammed my hand into the wall beside me putting a hole in it, I fell to the ground and my walls came crumbling down, I could feel the hot liquid rushing down my face and all the shocked, confused, and fearful gazes on me.

"Already done." Mustang says with nearly no emotion, but I just continued to cry. For the first time since my siblings death, I cried.

"I don't understand, why do you hate her so much?" Winry asked, then again I am sure they were all asking that question.

"That bitch killed my siblings." I muttered, but could tell it was loud enough for them all to hear. "THAT BITCH TOOK MY LEG!" I screamed as I stood up and lifted my pants slightly to reveal the metal. I could feel all the shocked looks on me.

"Y-you, lost your leg as well? But how?" The shock was evident in Eds voice.

"The night that bitch broke into my house, she not only killed my siblings but she gave me a 'parting gift' as she called it but she cut off my leg! like my family wasn't enough! she took my damn leg as well." I felt some comforting arms wrap around me, and I cried into their shoulder, not caring who it was or what they thought, I was just glad that I finally had a shoulder to cry on.

"It's okay, were all here for you, it's going to be okay." I could hear Eds comforting voice echo through my head, his voice seemed to calm me more than I had ever been before, it felt normal like this is where I should be. Soon enough I felt the world disappear around me, but I didn't care, I felt too safe. There was no denying it, I loved Ed, he seemed to be the only one that could calm me down, this is the second time now, and honestly not even Kat could calm me down when I was like this. I felt warmth crawl over me, as I fell asleep.

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