Chapter 6, Not again

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Edwards POV

Teacher invited us all into the house to have some lunch, it was only then as we followed both teacher and Kristy in that I realised she has the exact same mark of teacher on the back of her neck. It wasn't exactly hidden, it just wasn't in an area you would take notice, kinda like how I have mine on my coat, and Al on his shoulder, it's there but not really taken note of.

"So how have you been Izumi?" I heard Kristy ask teacher.

"Fine, but I can see you have gotten up to no good, why are you even traveling with these boys." It was then I came around the corner into the dining room, just to see teacher death stare Kristy. I really didn't like seeing her beat around before, so I though I would intervene before Kristy told her the real reason.

"We found her at Central and we decided to let her travel with us since she had no family, well we didn't know she had any family." I smiled at teacher, and saw Kristy look at me, well she was looking in my general direction but was more so looking just past my head.

"Oh I see, well I can take care of her from now on, get her out of your hair."

"Oh no, it's no trouble, she's nice company, but I mean if she wants to stay with you she could." I looked towards Kristy, I knew what her answer would be but I had to make it look like she had an option in the matter, well if she wanted to get out of here alive anyway.

"Kristy?" Teacher asked as she turned to face her.

"I-I think I'll stay with the Elric brothers Izumi, I mean someone needs to keep them out of trouble and from what I've heard they need a lot of help." She smiled toward teacher.

"Okay, what's going on?" Teacher asked, damn I was hoping she wouldn't realise, then again this is teacher we are talking about.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"I'm not stupid, what are you guys hiding from me?" She asked, when none of us replied she pulled a kitchen knife out and her eyes clouded over. "Don't make me force it out of you."

"What's she got in her hand?" Kristy asked, in a way calm but you could hear the fear lacing her voice.

"A-a kn-knife." Al responded, and with that she jumped out of her seat and ran behind Al.

"You wouldn't actually use that would you aunty?" Kristy asked.

"What makes you think I wouldn't." Teacher smirked towards us.

"Okay, okay, they were trying to protect me." Kristy replied, damn now were all dead.

"What do you mean protect you?" Izumi asked while lowering the knife.

"They didn't tell you what was going on because if they did you would beat me to near death." She stated it as if it was the most common thing . . . Then again it wasn't uncommon for teacher to beat you.

"What's going on?" Teacher asked, her eyes clouding over again.

"If you promise to not hurt them, I will tell you." Kristy replied, it took a while for what she said to sink in.

"What? Kristy why?"

"Because, I would have told her straight up anyway." She smiled towards me, she was protecting me, wasn't I supposed to be protecting her?

"Fine then, boys out of the room." Teacher said to us, and we had no option but to oblige. I walked out the door, but turned back towards Kristy, I looked at her sympathetically, before the door was slammed in my face.

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