Chapter 3, The test.

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~Kristina's POV~

I stretched my arms, hearing the metal creak, if anyone was in the room they would be able to see my automail due to my choice in pajamas, a blue singlet shirt that ended just below my hips, and green shorts that could only just be visible past the long shirt. I heard the giant clock outside my window start to ring, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 "fudge I'm gonna be late." I screamed as I jumped out of bed, and not being used to the surroundings as well as in a rush, I crashed straight into the glass table across from me.

"What the hell do you think your doing." I heard someone scream as they opened my unlocked door, "that was a brand new table!" They screamed at me.

"I'm so sorry, I'll fix it I'm just not used to my surroundings."

"Why the hell would that ma . . . Oh it's okay I didn't realise you were blind, I guess it must be hard to get around." The man said a lot calmer, I now recognised the voice as the one who had given me the key to my room, and they way he reacted, most probably the owner of the hotel not just a worker.

"Well not usually but I've never been here before so this might happen again, but as I said I'll fix everything I break." I smiled at the man.

"How can you fix it? It's shattered into a million pieces." His voice high, and his eyes wide.

"Well let's turn that million into one." I smiled as I turned around I moved towards the table and felt a sharp pain in my foot as I stood on some glass. "Fudge that hurt." I muttered under my breath as I waved my hand over my foot to heal it. I knelt down to the ground and placed my hands on the ground beside the glass I could hear it shifting back into its original position.

"Oh I see, your an alchemist, any chance your going to take the state alchemist exam?" He smiled towards me.

"As a matter of fact yes, by the way not trying to be rude but do you think you could take me to central, I know I'll get lost otherwise? And I don't have the time." I replied scratching the back of my head.

"Sure I'll drive you there, but we'll want to hurry you only have half 'n' hour."

He practically dragged me out the door and into the car, I could feel the car start moving and before long come to a halt. "Here you go central."

"Thank you so much," I said we'll throwing him some cash, I mean I can't let him do me a favour and not pay him. I ran to the doors but tripped on the steps, "damn these new surroundings" I said a little too loudly.

"Are you okay miss?" I heard someone ask, I could just feel that they seemed to be someone that could help me, especially since I could hear their state alchemist watch clink against their military uniform.

"Yes I am fine but do you think you could show me where they are holding the state alchemist exams, I really need to get there or I'll be late."

"Of course miss I will take you there right now."

"Thank you very much." I smiled at him.

It was silent for a while before he decided to ask me a question. "If you don't mind me asking how are you going to take the written exam when you are blind?"

"Well you see, I'm not going to take it."

"What are you going to do then, I mean you just have to pass some sought of test to become a state alchemist but what would it be?"

"Well apparently I have to battle against one of the best state alchemists, and either win or at least come extremely close."

"Well that is going to be quite a task-" he was going to say more but I interrupted him.

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