Oh no! Ive forgotten

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I have just realised that I have forgotten to have the funny arguments at the end of each chapter, I guess it's because I have run out of ideas that I could put in them, soooooo? I AM COMING TO YOU GUYS!

Yes I am getting your help, you can either PM me or just leave a comment on what the argument should be about, even perhaps ask me or the cast some questions and even if you want you could have yourself, or one of your OCs crash the conversation and call ed short.


Shaden990 : sure not pipsqueak, and I'm not a girl

Ed: are you?


okay well that wasn't actually requested but you see that could be something I do, oh and if you don't know who Shaden990 is you should totally look her up and read her stories, she da best peeps, oh and I was thinking of a name I should call y'all, my little alchemists, yeah maybe I should call you that just on this cause this is my most popular story and you guys deserve a special name, so tell me what you think my little alchemists?

Anyway, so send me through any ideas on this chapter, other chapters or pm me, oh and. Shaden990 I hope you don't mind me using you in this ☺️☺️☺️ anyway, talk to y'all later

~Suni out~ 🌞😋

The Sun Alchemist (An FMA: Brotherhood Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora