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Okay, I have a challenge for y'all.

I want you to write a chapter (does not have to have anything to do with the story line) that includes Kristy and at least one other character. It can be an fma character or an OC if your own, or anyone really.

Now it could be anything from Kristy and the brothers on a mission gone wrong.

Kristy back to normal (sight and arms retrieved)

Kristy as a child with her siblings/parents/the Hamiltions.

You could have someone die.
You could have some fluff.

It's up to you.
And then you can talk to me via PM to tell me where it is, or tag me in it or something.

But yeah

I don't know how long I'm gonna leave it open for, maybe 2 weeks? Does that sound like a good enough time?

Oh and
1st place, I will post it in my book, follow you if I haven't already (if your a silent reader I probably wouldn't have) and dedicate the next chapter to you.

2nd place, I will also post in it my book. And follow you if I haven't.

3rd place, I will follow you, and possibly post in on here.

Everyone else that enters I will check out your profiles and read any of your books that interest me, so it's a win if you enter no matter what.

Oh, you can enter more than once, but only one of your pieces can win a place,

So get writing. 😋

~suni out~ 😋🌞

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