Chapter 27, anger?

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I'm sorry for taking so long on this, but it's up. And I'm going to be on a two week holiday soon, so hopefully a lot more updates are in stall. I also apologise because it's length does not make up for how long it took me to write it.

Do you know how guilty that makes me feel?

Any way, hope you enjoy. 😜

Kristina's POV

I couldn't move, my body refused to do so, time seemed to slow as I heard footsteps running towards me trying to get me out of the way. Just before the blast could hit me, someone pulled me out of the way and towards them.

"Colonel, what's going on?" I heard Riza cry out.

"Hawkeye! Stop!" Roy called out just on time for the tip of Riza's gun to be cut clean in half, and that part to disappear. At that point I heard the cabin crumble under the missing support. And was once again being dragged, this time out of the rubble, but come on, I can walk. I could hear Riza's breath quicken as gluttony came into view, soon both her guns were pointing at him as she cried out for Mustang. "Don't provoke him, I'm the one he wants." Well he just reached a new level of stupid.

"Mustang." Gluttony growled, before taking in more objects around him as I felt Ed pull me behind him.

"Let's go! We have to bring him down." Roy muttered to himself, as he pulled of his normal white gloves with his teeth.

"Yeah good luck with that." I replied

"But we worked so hard to catch him." Al argued.

"Survival is our first priority!" Mustang said as he pulled his ignition gloves on. "Besides he knows our names and faces now, it would be foolish to let him leave alive!" He cried before letting his flames dance towards the homunculus. Before the flames burnt gluttony to a ball of bubbling fat . . . They disappeared?

"Where did they go?" I asked.

"He swallowed it." Ed said in disbelief.

"Well that was unexpected." I said, my voice slightly pitchy in fear.

Soon gluttony was sucking everything around him up, I don't know if he was aiming for us or not, but I was dragged into the forest by Ed before I could find out, quite glad about that to.

"Hey, that worked well!" Ed cried as we ran.

"No need for sarcasm." I said under my breath but I could feel Ed's glare so I knew he heard.

"Think you can do better? Let me see you try."

"Or we could just leave you behind colonel, your the one he wants." Al exclaimed.

"Were not leaving anyone else behind for that monster to attack! Got it!" I yelled at them, as I felt a tear run down my cheek remembering how he was included in my siblings death.

"I'm sorry Kristy." Al said sadly.

"Those trees over there spread out!" Mustang yelled.

Ed pulled me with him again as we continued running. "Where are we going?" I asked as the trees seemed to lessen.

"Were going back to the cabin, hopefully Knox has a car there for us still."

Before long we arrive at the car and not long after, Al, Mustang and Riza follow. Mustang told us about what he did and soon enough we hear a cry from the monster from in the forest.

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